First time mixing a band


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2009
Hey so, that's my first time mixing a band (of friends).
so they went to some kind of studio and recorded the whole band playing the song at the same time (which is pretty lame cause for example the guitar mic is also hearing the drums and singing, etc)'s Crown.mp3

here's the song, please help me improve it :)
the vocals are maybe a bit too in-your-face, if you know what I mean?

And that vocalist... It's a matter of personal taste I guess, but I'd add saturation or distortion or both a lot to his vocals. I mean a LOT. I'd also bring the guitars up a bit.

That's all I can think of at 3.40 AM, at any rate. Hope it helps
If you ask me the vocalist should kill him self XD
he suck and they dont want me to add any effect at all ;[
then bury him under everything else in the mix :lol: or apply some effects and then just don't tell them. If they notice how he magically sounds better (notice I didn't say good) then you've proved your point. You could also let them know that it's fairly common practice to apply some saturation/distortion in the vocals, in metal music.
the vocals sound like what id imagine the squeaky voiced teenager from the simpsons to sound like if he tried to scream.
Honestly i can't hear the mix other than the vocal to suggest an idea. Turn down the vocals. Make the vocalist work on his screaming. It seems like he did his takes in one shot. Just use many takes in the song so he performs evenly through out the song.
So, first of all, Thank you all for commenting!
About the singing I'll talk with the band and I'll just tell them that they vocals sounds pretty lame and they can either re-record it or let me at least add some effects on it.

Any ideas of how to improve guitars/bass/drums or anything?
thanks again,Elad.