first time posting, and my latest mix

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you gotta scroll down to where it says "here are your download options" (Download for free with FileFactory Basic) it then goes to another page where you have to click "start my download" they're both blue links.

thanks, the eq was added after i mastered it, because i compared it to a couple of other recordings and felt it was a bit too dull

so to fix the problem quickly, but not correctly (just so i could show their bass player), i just opened the mp3 in sound forge and made some eq changes with voxengo curve eq (added some 4k-8k, took out some 250hz). maybe the changes weren't good... but everytime i play it back to back with something competitive on the market, their mix seems duller, and my job is definately to put these band's recordings balls to the walls.

i use izotope ozone for mastering. i mix with the waves SSL plugins, and waves diamond 5.
KeithRT99 said:
the vocals sound good, the drums as well. The guitars are lacking in the mids alittle too much for my taste. i agree about backing off the highs. Pretty heavy and up front all around.
if you dont mind, where about would you decrease the eq drop?

maybe a bit too much cutting in the 2khz - 3 khz range?
hmm that area is untouched minus the mastering, perhaps i'll fudge with it a bit

thanks for the suggestion. this is the record to get them signed so, if they dont get signed from this they will probably disband and i will be blamed. i wrote a lot of it O_O.
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