First timer, looking for feedback


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2012
Hello everyone,

This is actually my first post on the forum. I have been tinkering with recording and mixing a little bit and would like to get some feedback from others on what they like, and what needs improving. My biggest issue with it is that the guitars sound.. small? not sure of the word im looking for, not sure if its a panning issue or not, they just dont seem to take up enough space in the mix. But, without giving anyone more bias, pick it apart and let me know! Drums are programmed in superior (based off of my drummers playing, so its mostly anatomically correct), guitars are amplitube with guitarhacks impulses.

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Not bad at all man, there a few possible issues with the guitars. For one the playing isn't tight enough all the time, to get everything punching together you really need to nail the timing of every note pretty damn close to perfect, and pick like a beast! The other thing is the bass isn't supporting it enough, bass is a HUGE part of sick guitar tone. The bass is low and subby but also has to bridge the mids more so it glues with the guitar and helps define them together, try some distortion on it. Hope it helps!
thanks for the input, ill try and tighten up the guitar parts.. i didnt notice that being an issue till you said something, now it jumps out like crazy.. i suck! haha.. ill play with the bass as well. oh, and by first timer, i meant first time as a poster, not first time trying to record and mix..ive been tinking with recording for years, just never really tried to excel at it. i used to belong to a 3d animation forum where people would say "hey first time animation" and it looked like shrek.. used to annoy everyone. dont wanna be THAT guy.
Yeah not bad. I agree with everything Sacha said. Since he covered the guitars and bass, I'll give some input on the drums. The kick and snare aren't really punching either much. Now I know in metal you really want that click, but I think it's a little too much here and not enough support in the lows (I'm listening on my studio headphones so forgive if I'm not really hearing all the lows in there). You have to remember that if you don't get the EQ right on one track, usually it affects all the tracks simply becase they are all relative. For example, I think your guitars are just a bit too "scratchy"; a little too much high end. Because of that you naturally are going to have a hard time getting the click and slap of your kick drum to cut through so you raise the highs until you can hear it through the mix. It may serve you better to put a slight low pass filter on those guitars so you can tame the "click" of the kick drum a bit. Raise the lows a tad and you'll kick will punch through the mix and really beef it up. Also make sure you don't boost the same low frequencies in the kick drum and bass guitar - you don't want them "competing". As for the snare, personally I like a snare that has less "snare" sound and more body. Try lowering the highs and boosting the low mids a tad. Just my two cents - remember much of my advice comes from preference and not what's "right" or "wrong". Good job overall though.
