First try with my new PC, feedback much appreciated

Here's my first go with a new DAW rig. Just got the parts on monday, and late yesterday evening it was finally up & running with all the software I need \o/

There are five tracks of guitars: Quad tracked rhythm gits and a "lead" git on the center. LTD EC-400 -> Firepod -> Cubase -> Revalver.

Bass is just a pitch-shifted guitar through IK Multimedia's Ampeg plugin. I really need some sort of cheap bass to record with :/

Drums are EZD with the DFH expansion, plus Sneap's Snare sample and a kick sample I ripped from Children of Bodom's Hate Crew deathroll.

Any suggestions and comments would be very welcome and appreciated! :)

The song: - Into gray 1.mp3