First try with new monitors

I just wanted to do a quick test with my new ALP5's, and here's what I got: - Ruhje.mp3

The guitars are way too weak and thin, and the bass track is simply awful (Did it with Reason and couldn't get a decent sound out of it, gonna replace it when I get to borrow a real bass), but any other opinions? Also some tips about getting a nice bass tone out of Reason would be deeply appreciated.


I would lower the drums a bit...

besides that I just think you need a strong bass line to make those guitars sound fuller.

take care:Smokin:
WHOA! is that an 808 on the opening? mind sharing that sample? :worship:

on the mix: not digging the toms 100%... and maybe bring the drums down .5 or 1 dB as a whole... and yeah guitars are a tad bit too thin...

other than that, I might be kicking myself for buying HS80s instead of ALPs... wont know for about a week... need a new desk.
Thanks for the advice, everyone! Exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for :headbang:

I fiddled around some more, here's the result: Ruhje 2.mp3

Any better? The guitars might be a bit too muddy now, and the bass is still awful, even though I think it's much better than in the previous mix. All in all, IMHO the mix sits better together now.

EDIT: Oh, and almost forgot, the sub kick in the beginning (and in a few places later on) is a sample I found on my audio drive. Actually I have no idea whatsoever about it's origins, but I guess I found it on some forum or something. Here's the unprocessed sample (I eq'd it and added a nice verb):