'Fist Fight' - Hellish debut release by Odeum Deus.


Heavy Metal OTD
Feb 17, 2014
The band has been around for almost ten years, changing band members and sound, with Putte being the founding member. Looking for the (black)magic touch we got a reputation locally as the band that kept firing vocalists.

While biding our time and rehearsing steadily, all band members have contributed with songwriting (though Börna would be considered the main songwriter), we created a signature sound while still being able to sound fresh.

When at last, all pieces where at place, with the addition of new brilliant vocalist Joel, we hurried in the studio and recorded the debut album "Fist Fight" in just four days. Ten tracks of concise, to the point, dark, heavy and frostbitten metal.

When this first album gets out we'll be right back in to record the follow up and we still won't be out new/old material. While also doing gigs we're gonna primarily focus on broadening our audience and make our metal heard worldwide.


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