- Nov 23, 2011
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Available now, while stock lasts, FISTULA tour merch for sale. The 'bathsalts' design was a one time run and very few remain.
FISTULA's new record 'Northern Aggression' will be out soon.
Click hear for FISTULA Merch and records.
PATAC RECORDS Distro New Arrivals:
Mongrels Cross - Whoresanna 7"
Cerekloth - Halo of Syringes 7"
Dishammer - Vintage Addiction CD
Nunslaughter - Hells Unholy Fire LP (Beer/Black vinyl w/Poster)
Disrupt - S/T LP
Kids - S/T LP
Sacrifice - Soldiers of Misfortune LP
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire LP
Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10"
C - Second Coming 7"
C - He Had It Coming 7"
Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill 7"
Double Negative - Hits 7"
Fucked Up / Haymaker - Split 7"
Fucked Up - Police 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T 7"
Hoax - 2nd S/T 7"
Lack Of Interest / Weekend Nachos - split 7"
Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5"
Poison Idea - Record Collectors Are ... Assholes LP (Clear)
Sheer Terror - Spite 7" (Pink Vinyl)
Dropdead / Look Back and Laugh split 7"
Hoax - 3rd S/T 7"
Saint Vitus - Heavier Than Thou 2x LP
Doomriders - Black Thunder LP (Marble Vinyl)
Napalm Death / Converge - Split 7" (Gold Vinyl)
Stab - Nation Rising 7"
Citizens Arrest - Soaked In Other's Blood 7"
Hoax - 1st S/T 7"
Voivod - To The Death 84 2x LP
Spits - S/t (5th Album) LP
Hamburger, Neil - Hot February Night LP
Dicks - These People LP
Butthole Surfers - Live PCPEP 12" (BLUE VINYL)
Biafra, Jello w/ Melvins - Sieg Howdy! LP (Jelvins)
Hamburger, Neil - Six Pack (Black Flag) 7" w/ Hard-Ons
Dahmer / Mesrine - split 7"
Dahmer - 2 Songs: CLEAR VINYL 7"
Dissed - Cography 7"
13th Floor Elevators - Psychadelic Sounds of LP (Roky Erickson)
7 Seconds - New Wind LP
Abaddon - Life Out of Balance LP (Color)
Abigail - Lord Of Satan LP
Accused - Archive Tapes 81-86 2x LP
Accused - Curse Of Martha Splatter Head LP (Splatter Vinyl)
Accused - Nasty Cuts: The Best Of The Nasty Mix Years
Accused - Return Of Martha Splatter Head LP (Color Vinyl)
Acrid - Eighty Sixed LP (Clear Vinyl) NM/NM
Acursed - Tunneln I Ljusets Slut LP
Adrenalin O.D. ‎ The Wacky Hi-Jinks Of... LP (1st Press!)
Agent Orange - Living in Darkness LP
Agnostic Front - Victim In Pain LP (Gatefold)
Agression - Best Of LP
Amebix - Knights of the Black Sun EP
Amebix - Sonic Mass Pic Disc LP
Amebix - The Power Remains LP
Anti Sect - In Darkness, There Is No Choice LP
ANTiSEEN - Boys From Brutalsville LP (PIC DISC)
Avengers - S/T LP 180 gram
Axegrinder - Rise of the Serpent Men LP
Bastard Noise - A Culture of Monsters LP
Bastard Noise - Skulldozer LP
Bastard Noise / Actuary - Split LP
Bastard Noise / Endless Bockade - The Red List Split LP
Battalion of Saints - Best Of LP
Behold! The Living Corpse - S/T LP
Berry, Chuck - After School Session LP + CD
Bestial Mockery - Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw LP (Splatter)
Biafra, Jello w/ Melvins - Sieg Howdy! LP (Jelvins)
Big Boys - Lullabies Help The Brain Grow/No Matter... 2x LP
Birthday Party w/ Lydia Lunch - Welcome to the... LP (Nick Cave)
Black Flag - First Four Years LP
Black Flag - Six Pack 10"
Black Flag - Slip It In LP
Black Hole Of Calcutta - S/T LP
Black Witchery - Inferno of Sacred Destruction LP
Blood I Bleed - High Octane Thrash LP
Blowfly - Blowfly's Disco Party LP
Blowfly - Disco LP
Blowfly - Rappin Dancin & Laughin LP
Blowfly - Weird World Of... LP
Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum LP
Breathilizor - For the ULTIMATE Pain of Medusa's Love LP
Broken Bones - Fuck You & All You Stand For LP (Color)
Butthole Surfers - Live PCPEP 12" (BLUE VINYL)
Buzzcocks - Another Music In A Different Kitchen 180g import
C.I.A. - God, Guts, Guns And More LP
Cannabis Corpse - The Weeding LP (Green Splatter)
Capitalist Casualties / Hellnation - Split LP
Carpathian Forest - Bloodlust & Perversion 2x LP
Christian Death - Only Theater Of Pain LP w/ bonus 7"!
Chronic Sick - Cutest Band In Hardcore LP
Cock Sparrer - Shock Troops LP (Splattered Color Vinyl)
Coke Bust - Lines In The Sand LP
Comes - No Side/Outsider LP
Conqueror - War.Cult.Supremacy 2x LP
Corrosion Of Conformity - Animosity LP (180 gr color vinyl)
Creem - S/T LP
Crucifix - Dehumanization LP
Culo- Life Is Vile... And So Are We LP *READ FIRST*
Cure - Pillbox Tales 77-79 LP (fanclub)
D.I.S. - Critical Failure LP (Impaled, Phobia, Exhumed)
D.R.I. - Crossover LP
Day of Mourning - Your Future's End LP (Splatter Vinyl)
Dayglo Abortions - Here Today Guano Tomorrow LP
Dead Boys - Young, Loud and Snotty LP (Color Vinyl)
Dead Moon - Defiance LP
Dead Moon - In The Graveyard LP
Dead Moon - Unknown Passage LP
Deathspell Omega/S.V.E.S.T.-Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum LP
Deceased - Surreal Overdose LP
Deep Wound - S/T LP
Despise You / Agoraphobic Nosebleed - And On And On... Split LP
Dicks - These People LP
Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing LP
Discharge - Why? LP
Discharge Early Demos March - June 1977 LP
Disrupt - S/T LP
Doom - Fuck Peaceville 2x LP
Doom - Lost The Fight / Pro-Life Control Sessions LP
Doomriders - Black Thunder LP (Marble Vinyl)
Dropdead - 落とす死 1st LP
Dropdead - Superior LP
Drudkh - Кров У На
Dwarves - Blood, Guts & Pussy LP
Extreme Noise Terror - Law Of Retaliation LP
Eyehategod - Dopesick - 2x LP
Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain - 2x LP
Eyehategod In the Name of Suffering - 2x LP
F - You Are An EP LP (Blue Vinyl)
Fall - Container Drivers LP (BBC Recordings)
Fistula - For A Better Tomorrow 10" EP
Fistula - Goat 12" Vinyl LP (Gold, Single Sided, Silk Screened)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Black)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Blue)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Clear)
Flipper - Album Generic LP 180 gram
Flower Travellin' Band - Satori LP (1971 Japan Heavy Psych Rock)
Fondlecorpse - Creaturegore LP (LTD Glow in the Dark Vinyl)
For The Worse - For The Good, For The Bad... 10" EP
Freeze - Land of the Lost LP (Signed by Clif Hanger)
Freeze - Live from Cape Cod 1980 LP
Freeze - Misery Loves Company LP
Freeze - Rabid Reaction LP
Fucked Up - Year of the Rat 12" NM/NM
Gauze - Equalizing Distort / Fuckheads LP (fanclub) GG Allin - Freaks, Faggots, Drunks & Junkies LP
Gorgoroth - Antichrist LP
Gorgoroth - Pentagram LP
Government Issue - Joyride LP
Grief - ...And Man Will Become The Hunted 2x LP
Guilt Of... S/T LP (Mike IX Williams of Eyehategod)
Gun Club - Fire of Love LP
Hamburger, Neil - Hot February Night LP
Hard Skin - Hard Nuts & Hard Cunts LP
HellBastard - Heading For Internal Damnation LP
HellBastard - Ripper Crust LP
Heresy - Face Up To It LP
High On Fire - Surrounded By Thieves 2x LP RED VINYL
Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10"
HIRAX - Not Dead Yet LP (Raging Violence & Hate Feat and Power)
Hypochristians - Terror during prayer LP
Ilsa - Tutti Il Colori Del Buio LP
Inepsy - City Weapons LP (Gatefold)
Inepsy - No Speed Limit For Destruction LP
Inepsy - Rock 'N' Roll Babylon LP
Integrity - To Die For 10"
Jesus Fucking Christ - Life's Hateful Seed LP
Jesus Fucking Christ - S/T LP
Joy Division - Autosuggestion LP
Joy Division - Closer The Unknown Treasures LP (fanclub)
Joy Division - Closer The Unknown Treasures Vol. 2 LP (fanclub)
Joy Division - Warsaw LP (1st JOY DIVISION Recordings!)
Kids - S/T LP
Knox - System//System LP
Kraut - An Adjustment to Society LP
Krigshot Örebro-Mangel LP
Kromosom - 8 Tracks LP
Kuro - 1983-1985 LP
Lie - S/T LP 625 Records NM/NM
Lie - S/T LP 625 Records NM/NM
Martyrdod - In Extremis LP
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops S/T LP
Midnight - Satanic Royalty LP
Mind Of Asian / Straight Edge Kegger - Split LP
Misery - From Where The Sun Never Shines 2x LP
Misfits - I Turned Into A Martian 12" LP
Moloch - Possession
Morne - Asylum 2xLP
Morne / Warprayer - Split LP
Motorhead - Ace Of Spades LP
Motorhead - Another Perfect Day LP
Motorhead - Iron Fist LP
Municipal Waste - Waste Em All LP
Necros - IQ32 + Live LP
Negative Approach - Tied Down LP
New York Dolls - S/T LP (Color Vinyl)
Night Birds - The Other Side Of Darkness LP
Nightstick Justice - S/T LP
Nitad - Ibland Kan Man Inte Hindra Sig Sjalv - LP
Noothgrush - Failing Early Failing Often 2x LP
Nothing But Enemies - Creepy Crawl LP
Nunslaughter - Hells Unholy Fire LP (Beer/Black vinyl w/Poster)
Offenders - Endless struggle LP
Panzerbastard - Gods, Thugs & Madmen 10" EP
Pentagram - Live Rites 2x LP
Pentagram - Review Your Choices: PIC DISC LP w/ Outer Cover
Pentagram - Show Em How LP: Gatefold, Color Vinyl
Pentagram - Sub-Basement LP
Phobia - Grind Your Fucking Head In LP
Phobia - Serenity Through Pain LP
Phobia / Gadget - Split LP
Pist - Ideas Are Bulletproof LP
Poison Idea - Darby Crash Rides Again: Early Years LP
Poison Idea - Feel The Darkness LP
Poison Idea - Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes LP (Clear)
Psycho - Studio Recordings 1982-1986 2x LP
Pulses - 10 Song Demo LP (yellow mixed vinyl)
R'N'R - Infamous and Notorious LP
Radio Birdman - Radios Appear LP 180 gram
Rajoitus - Hat Morker Amfetamin LP
Rajoitus- Maailman Hautajainen LP
Rambo - Bring It! LP w/ DVD
Ratos De Porao / Looking For An Answer - Split 10" Raw Power - Screams From The Gutter LP
Raw Power - ..still screaming (after 20 years) LP
Raw Power - After Your Brain LP
Raw Radar War - Double Equals Vinyl LP
Razors In The Night - Carry On! 10" EP (Splatter Vinyl)
Resistant Culture - All One Struggle LP (clear vinyl, gatefold)
Revilers - S/T LP
Riistetyt - Kuolonhymneja LP FIRST PRESS W/ POSTER (Import)
Roses Never Fade - Fade to Black LP (Integrity)
Rövsvett Boll-Mats Bjuder På Bullkalas & Kaffe 1984-1987 LP
Runnamucks - Inferno LP
RunnAmuckS - Of A Different Breed LP
Sacrifice - Forward to Termination LP
Sacrifice - Soldiers of Misfortune LP
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire LP
Saint Vitus - 1979 Tyrant Demo LP
Saint Vitus - Born Too Late LP
Saint Vitus - Heavier Than Thou 2x LP
Saint Vitus - Mournful Cries LP
Saint Vitus - Thirsty and Miserable 12"
Severed Head Of State - Power Hazard LP
Sex Pistols - Sex, Anarchy & Rock N Roll Swindle LP color vinyl
Shadow Of The Torturer - Marching Into Chaos LP
Shitlickers - 1982 LP (Skitslickers)
Siege - Drop Dead LP
Sigh - A Tribute to Venom LP (NM/NM) 1-Sided, Etched Vinyl w/CD
Sir Lord Baltimore - Kingdom Come LP 180gr
Sir Lord Baltimore - S/T LP 180gr
Slaughter - Strappado LP
Smiths - Barbarism Begins At Home LP (Pink Vinyl) Smiths The Old Guard BBC Tapes Volume One LP
Smiths The Old Guard BBC Tapes Volume Two LP
Son of Jor-El - S/T LP (Picture Disc) Fistula, 16, Rwake
Sonic Youth - Kill Yr Idols LP (White Vinyl, LTD. to 300)
Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy LP Color: Green Splatter
Spazz - La Revancha LP (Yellow Vinyl)
Spits - S/t (5th Album) LP
Stack - Konkret Lichtgeschwindigkeit LP
Stooges, Iggy Pop & The - Raw Power LP
Stormcrow / Sanctum - Split LP
Superchrist - Holy Shit LP
T.S.O.L. - Code Blue LP
Talk is Poison - Condensed Humanity LP
Tragedy - Vengeance LP
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses 2x LP
Unsane - Wreck LP
Urban Waste - S/T LP
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike LP
Venom - Black Metal (2x 180 Gram White Vinyl) LP
Verbal Abuse - Rocks Your Liver LP
Victims - ...In Blood LP
Villians - Drenched In The Poison LP
Vitamin X - Full Scale Assault LP
Void / Faith - Split LP
Voivod - To The Death 84 2x LP
Voivod - War and Pain LP
Vulture Industries - The Dystopia Journals 2x LP
Wadge - S/T 10" EP (VG+/VG+)
Wasteoid / Black Maket Fetus - Split LP
Witch Hunt - As Priorities Decay LP
Wolfbrigade - Damned LP
Young Widows - Old Wounds LP
V/A - Boston's Infested LP (Toxic Narcotic, Out Cold +More)
VA- Best of Unsound Bands 1983-1985 LP (New York KBD Punk)
V/A - Bloodstains Across California LP
V/A - Bloodstains Across Texas LP
V/A - Bloodstains Across the Midwest LP
V/A - Clone I LP (Fistula, Coffins, Monarch, Salome + More)
V/A - Clone II LP (Moloch, Loss, Thou + More)
V/A - Clone III LP (Fistula, Whitehorse, Crowskin, Sollubi +)
V/A - Gulf Coast Massacre LP (Runnamucks Insect Warfare, P.L.F.)
V/A Let Them Eat Jellybeans! LP 1982 (Black Flag, Flipper, DOA)
V/A Taking Out A Little Agression - Agression Tribute LP (Color)
V/A Taking Out A Little Agression - Agression Tribute LP (Color)
101ers - Keys To Your Heart 7" (The Clash, Joe Strummer)
Acid Reflux - Secret Power 7"
C - He Had It Coming 7"
C - Second Coming 7"
Amdi Petersens Arme - Blod Ser Mere Virkeligt 7"
Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill 7"
ANTiSEEN / Brody's Militia - Primal Roar 2nd Split 7"
ANTiSEEN / Brody's Militia - Split 7"
Ashers - Cold Dark Place 7"
Assassinators - i disse morke tider 7"
Avengers - We Are The One 7"
Avskum - Crucified by the System EP
Backslider / Chainsaw To The Face - Split 7"
Bad Brains - 171A 1981 Sessions 7"
Bad Religion - 'Public Service' 1981 Comp 7"
Battalion of Saints - Hell's Around the Next Corner 7"
Black Market Fetus - A.R.A.B. Flexi 7"
Black Pyramid - Stormbringer 8" EP
Blood Duster - Menstrual Soup 7" Picture Disc
Bloodtype - X 7"
Brain Donor - Get Off YOur Pretty Face 7" Pic Disc (Julian Cope)
Brain Killer - S/T 7"
Brody's Militia / Rupture - Split 7"
Capitalist Casualties / No Comply - Split 7"
Casket Blaster / Knifethruhead - Split 7"
Cerekloth - Halo of Syringes 7"
Chronic Sick - Reagan Bands 7"
Chuck Norris - 2nd Demo 7" (Screened sleeve)
Citizens Arrest - Soaked In Other's Blood 7"
Citizens Patrol - Sick Routine EP 7"
Closure - S/T 7"
Cock Sparrer - True To Yourself 7"
Coffins / Sourvein - Split 7"
Coffins / XXX Maniak - Split LP
Coke Bust - Degradation 7"
Concrete Facelift - Uuaagh! 7"
Confuse - Nuclear Addicts 7"
Confuse - Spending Loud Night 7"
Crime - Hot Wire My Heart / Baby You're So Repulsive 7"
Crisis of Conformity - Fist Fight 7" (SNL, Fred Armisen)
Culo - Military Trend 7"
Culo - Toxic Vision 7"
Culo / Tenement - split 7''
Cursed - Last Session 7"
Dahmer - 2 Songs: CLEAR VINYL 7"
Dahmer / Mesrine - split 7"
David Carradine / Exogorth - Split 7"
Dicks - Hate the Police 7"
Die Kreuzen - Cows and Beer 7"
Discharge - Decontrol 7"
Discharge - Fight Back 7"
Discharge - Never Again 7"
Discharge - Realities of War 7"
Discharge - State Violence State Control 7"
Diskonected - 4 Songs 7"
Dispense - Nothing But The Truth 7" (Victims, Skitsystem)
Dissed - Cography 7"
Doom - Police Bastard 7" (Green Vinyl)
Double Negative - Hardcore Confusion Volume 1 7"
Double Negative - Hardcore Confusion Volume 2 7"
Double Negative - Hits 7"
Dropdead / Look Back and Laugh split 7"
Executioner - Hellbound 7" (Black)
Executioner - Hellbound 7" (Red)
Ferocious Fucking Teeth - Hounds 7"
Final Conflict - In The Family 7"
Fingers - Isolation 7"
Flesh Eaters ‎ Disintegration Nation: 1978 Demos 7"
Folded Shirt - Tiny Boat/Mouth Clock 7"
For The Worse / Enemies For Life - Split 7"
For The Worse / Wednesday Night Heroes Split 7" (Blue)
For The Worse / Wednesday Night Heroes Split 7" (White)
Frat Boys - Demo '07 7"
Front Line - Basic Training 7"
Fruit Salad - Blood Power 7" (Screened Cover)
Fucked Up - Police 7"
Fucked Up / Haymaker - Split 7"
Funeral Shock - III 7"
Funeral Shock - Paint Thinner 7"
Gang Green - I Fear 7"
Generic Death 7" - Underground is Dead (Dishammer, Machetazo)
Get Destroyed - Shut In 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T 7"
Government Issue - Make An Effort 7"
Gruesome Stuff Relish / Call The Paramedics - Split 7"
Hamburger, Neil - Six Pack (Black Flag) 7" w/ Hard-Ons
Hammer Damage - Laugh/Automatic Lips 7"
Haute Couture - Demo 7"
Hazardous Waste - Half Life/Danger Zone 7"
Heartless - S/T 7"
Heist - Pain Is Causing Life 7" (Purple)
Hoax - 1st S/T 7"
Hoax - 2nd S/T 7"
Hoax - 3rd S/T 7"
Honor Code - S/T 7"
Hound / As Long As We're Living, We're All Dying - split 7"
I Witness / Slapendehonden - split 7"
Impetigo / Ingrowing 7" Split Picture Disc
In Aeternum - Curse Of Devastation 7"
In Defence / Birds Of A Feather - Split 7"
Incredible Kidda Band - Fighting My Way Back 7" (Power Pop)
Incredible Kidda Band - Radio Caroline 7" (Power Pop)
Inmates - Now We Talkin Hardcore 7"
Insult / Rampant Decay - Split 7" (Clear/Black Swirl) Integrity / Creepout - Split 7" (color vinyl)
Judas - Dictator 7" (Screened Cover)
Judge Dread - Death Rattle 7"
Jungle Juice - Bastard Sessions 7" (Rwake)
Kuru / Embryonic Devourment - Split 7" (Color)
La Corde - Unmarked Doors / Virus 7"
La Corde / Cat Party - Split 7"
Lack Of Interest / Weekend Nachos - split 7"
Ladies - Hole Sailor 7"
Ladies - Six More Reasons To Hate... 7"
Ladies - Trashed 7"
Life Trap - Bleak Reality 7"
Life Trap - Solitary Confinement 7"
Lobotomized / Bonesaw - Split 7"
LSD - Jast Last 7"
MDK - Moonmaiden (Flexi) 7"
Meatmen - Happy Fucking Easter, Asshole 7"
Mentally Ill - Gacy's Place 7"
Moloch / Rot In Hell - Split 7"
Mongrels Cross - Whoresanna 7"
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Black)
MMud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Glow Vinyl)
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Marbled Vinyl
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Orange)
Napalm Death / Converge - Split 7" (Gold Vinyl)
Necros - Sex Drive 7"
Neon Christ - Parental Suppression 7"
News - Dirty Lies 7" (1978 Australian KBD)
Nihilistics / Rupture - Split 7"
No Comment - Common Senseless 7"
No Comment - Downsided 7"
No Statik - No Hospice 7"
Noosebomb - S/T 7" (Pic Disc)
Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5"
Nunslaughter - Trifurcate (7" Pic Disc)
Nunslaughter / Bloodsick - Split 7" (Pic Disc)
Offenders - I Hate Myself 7"
Omegas - N.Y. Terminator 7"
Out Cold - No Eye Contact 7"
Outlaw Order - Legalize Crime 7" (Purple) (Mike IX- Eyehategod)
Panzerbastard - S/T 7" (Import)
Pick Your Side - Survival Prayer 7"
Psycho - 'Buzzsaw Shaped' 7" (Black)
Psycho - 'Buzzsaw Shaped' 7" (Red)
Ramones - Slug b/w Yea, Yea 7"
Rampant Decay / Kruds - Split 7" (Purple)
Randoms - ABCD/Let's Get Rid Of New York 7" (John Doe X)
Rattus - Invade the USA 7"
Ravens Creed - Militia To Blood Sacrifice 7"
Raw Power - Wop Hour 7"
Raw Radar War - Defend Finland 7"
Rawhide - Branded For Life 7" (Black)
Rawhide - Branded For Life 7" (Clear Blue)
Rawhide - Built To Blow 7"
Red Cross - 1979-1982 7"
Repercussions - No Peace 7"
Revilers - Isolation 7"
Revilers - Stand Or Fall 7" (Black)
Revilers - Stand Or Fall 7" (Blue)
Revilers / Bulldozer BCN - Always Making Friends split 7"
Revilers / For The Worse / World War IX / Aggressive Force 7"
Road Rage / Sleepwalkers - Split 7"
Rosenbombs - S/T 7"
Rot In Hell / Horders - The Omega Suite 7"
Runnamucks / AVO - Split 7"
Sectarian Violence - S/T 7"
Shaolin Finger Jabb / Obsesif Kompulsif - Split 7"
Sheer Terror - Spite 7" (Pink Vinyl)
Skrewdriver - Back With A Bang! 7" (Pre-Racist)
Skunks - Earthquake Shake/Can't Get Loose 7"
Slimy Cunt & The FistFucks - Bastards 7" (Color)
Sorrower - S/T 7"
Spawn Of Satan/Evil Angel - Split 7"
SPG - Special Patrol Group 7"
Stab - Nation Rising 7"
Straight Edge Kegger / Knifethruhead 5" (Color)
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" BLACK Vinyl EYEHATEGOD
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" COLOR Vinyl EYEHATEGOD
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" Test Pressing Ltd to 50
Strung Up - Warfucked 7"
Terrorazor / Slapenhonden - Split 7"
Thrak - S/T 7"
Tombstalker - S/T 7"
ToughSkins / Zitsquatch - Split 7"
Tragedy / Totalitär - Split 7"
Triac - Always Meant To Hurt You 7"
Unholy Grave - Chaotic Raw Madness EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Hatred Division split EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Raw Slaughter EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Unholy Bastards EP 7"
Unholy Grave / Iron Butter - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Kadaverficker - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Mitten Spider - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Unbiased- Raw Hammer Damnation Split EP 7"
Victims, The - No Thanks to the Human Turd EP 7"
World Burns To Death / Slang - Split 7" (Red)
Wormeaters - Cattle Cannot Choose 7"
Young Republicans - Sabotage Your Cookout 7" (Youth of Today)
Zombie Cookbook - Cinetrash 7" (Red vinyl)
V/A - Epilogue Vol 1(KYI tribute) 7" (Backtrack ,RBL, Seasick +)
V/A - Audio Espionage 8" (Deceased, Psycho, Bastard Noise)
V/A - Obscenity Cult: Extreme Audio Gangbang 2 (Color #'d/500)
V/A - Shut The Fuck Up & Listen 7" Vo. 1 (D.I., Dehumanizers)
V/A - Shut The Fuck Up & Listen 7"(Raw Power Dwarves In Defence)
FISTULA's new record 'Northern Aggression' will be out soon.

Click hear for FISTULA Merch and records.
PATAC RECORDS Distro New Arrivals:
Mongrels Cross - Whoresanna 7"
Cerekloth - Halo of Syringes 7"
Dishammer - Vintage Addiction CD
Nunslaughter - Hells Unholy Fire LP (Beer/Black vinyl w/Poster)
Disrupt - S/T LP
Kids - S/T LP
Sacrifice - Soldiers of Misfortune LP
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire LP
Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10"


Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill 7"
Double Negative - Hits 7"
Fucked Up / Haymaker - Split 7"
Fucked Up - Police 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T 7"
Hoax - 2nd S/T 7"
Lack Of Interest / Weekend Nachos - split 7"
Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5"
Poison Idea - Record Collectors Are ... Assholes LP (Clear)
Sheer Terror - Spite 7" (Pink Vinyl)
Dropdead / Look Back and Laugh split 7"
Hoax - 3rd S/T 7"
Saint Vitus - Heavier Than Thou 2x LP
Doomriders - Black Thunder LP (Marble Vinyl)
Napalm Death / Converge - Split 7" (Gold Vinyl)
Stab - Nation Rising 7"
Citizens Arrest - Soaked In Other's Blood 7"
Hoax - 1st S/T 7"
Voivod - To The Death 84 2x LP
Spits - S/t (5th Album) LP
Hamburger, Neil - Hot February Night LP
Dicks - These People LP
Butthole Surfers - Live PCPEP 12" (BLUE VINYL)
Biafra, Jello w/ Melvins - Sieg Howdy! LP (Jelvins)
Hamburger, Neil - Six Pack (Black Flag) 7" w/ Hard-Ons
Dahmer / Mesrine - split 7"
Dahmer - 2 Songs: CLEAR VINYL 7"
Dissed - Cography 7"
13th Floor Elevators - Psychadelic Sounds of LP (Roky Erickson)
7 Seconds - New Wind LP
Abaddon - Life Out of Balance LP (Color)
Abigail - Lord Of Satan LP
Accused - Archive Tapes 81-86 2x LP
Accused - Curse Of Martha Splatter Head LP (Splatter Vinyl)
Accused - Nasty Cuts: The Best Of The Nasty Mix Years
Accused - Return Of Martha Splatter Head LP (Color Vinyl)
Acrid - Eighty Sixed LP (Clear Vinyl) NM/NM
Acursed - Tunneln I Ljusets Slut LP
Adrenalin O.D. ‎ The Wacky Hi-Jinks Of... LP (1st Press!)
Agent Orange - Living in Darkness LP
Agnostic Front - Victim In Pain LP (Gatefold)
Agression - Best Of LP
Amebix - Knights of the Black Sun EP
Amebix - Sonic Mass Pic Disc LP
Amebix - The Power Remains LP
Anti Sect - In Darkness, There Is No Choice LP
ANTiSEEN - Boys From Brutalsville LP (PIC DISC)
Avengers - S/T LP 180 gram
Axegrinder - Rise of the Serpent Men LP
Bastard Noise - A Culture of Monsters LP
Bastard Noise - Skulldozer LP
Bastard Noise / Actuary - Split LP
Bastard Noise / Endless Bockade - The Red List Split LP
Battalion of Saints - Best Of LP
Behold! The Living Corpse - S/T LP
Berry, Chuck - After School Session LP + CD
Bestial Mockery - Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw LP (Splatter)
Biafra, Jello w/ Melvins - Sieg Howdy! LP (Jelvins)
Big Boys - Lullabies Help The Brain Grow/No Matter... 2x LP
Birthday Party w/ Lydia Lunch - Welcome to the... LP (Nick Cave)
Black Flag - First Four Years LP
Black Flag - Six Pack 10"
Black Flag - Slip It In LP
Black Hole Of Calcutta - S/T LP
Black Witchery - Inferno of Sacred Destruction LP
Blood I Bleed - High Octane Thrash LP
Blowfly - Blowfly's Disco Party LP
Blowfly - Disco LP
Blowfly - Rappin Dancin & Laughin LP
Blowfly - Weird World Of... LP
Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum LP
Breathilizor - For the ULTIMATE Pain of Medusa's Love LP
Broken Bones - Fuck You & All You Stand For LP (Color)
Butthole Surfers - Live PCPEP 12" (BLUE VINYL)
Buzzcocks - Another Music In A Different Kitchen 180g import
C.I.A. - God, Guts, Guns And More LP
Cannabis Corpse - The Weeding LP (Green Splatter)
Capitalist Casualties / Hellnation - Split LP
Carpathian Forest - Bloodlust & Perversion 2x LP
Christian Death - Only Theater Of Pain LP w/ bonus 7"!
Chronic Sick - Cutest Band In Hardcore LP
Cock Sparrer - Shock Troops LP (Splattered Color Vinyl)
Coke Bust - Lines In The Sand LP
Comes - No Side/Outsider LP
Conqueror - War.Cult.Supremacy 2x LP
Corrosion Of Conformity - Animosity LP (180 gr color vinyl)
Creem - S/T LP
Crucifix - Dehumanization LP
Culo- Life Is Vile... And So Are We LP *READ FIRST*
Cure - Pillbox Tales 77-79 LP (fanclub)
D.I.S. - Critical Failure LP (Impaled, Phobia, Exhumed)
D.R.I. - Crossover LP
Day of Mourning - Your Future's End LP (Splatter Vinyl)
Dayglo Abortions - Here Today Guano Tomorrow LP
Dead Boys - Young, Loud and Snotty LP (Color Vinyl)
Dead Moon - Defiance LP
Dead Moon - In The Graveyard LP
Dead Moon - Unknown Passage LP
Deathspell Omega/S.V.E.S.T.-Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum LP
Deceased - Surreal Overdose LP
Deep Wound - S/T LP
Despise You / Agoraphobic Nosebleed - And On And On... Split LP
Dicks - These People LP
Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing LP
Discharge - Why? LP
Discharge Early Demos March - June 1977 LP
Disrupt - S/T LP
Doom - Fuck Peaceville 2x LP
Doom - Lost The Fight / Pro-Life Control Sessions LP
Doomriders - Black Thunder LP (Marble Vinyl)
Dropdead - 落とす死 1st LP
Dropdead - Superior LP
Drudkh - Кров У На
Dwarves - Blood, Guts & Pussy LP
Extreme Noise Terror - Law Of Retaliation LP
Eyehategod - Dopesick - 2x LP
Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain - 2x LP
Eyehategod In the Name of Suffering - 2x LP
F - You Are An EP LP (Blue Vinyl)
Fall - Container Drivers LP (BBC Recordings)
Fistula - For A Better Tomorrow 10" EP
Fistula - Goat 12" Vinyl LP (Gold, Single Sided, Silk Screened)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Black)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Blue)
Fistula - Loser LP w/ download card (Clear)
Flipper - Album Generic LP 180 gram
Flower Travellin' Band - Satori LP (1971 Japan Heavy Psych Rock)
Fondlecorpse - Creaturegore LP (LTD Glow in the Dark Vinyl)
For The Worse - For The Good, For The Bad... 10" EP
Freeze - Land of the Lost LP (Signed by Clif Hanger)
Freeze - Live from Cape Cod 1980 LP
Freeze - Misery Loves Company LP
Freeze - Rabid Reaction LP
Fucked Up - Year of the Rat 12" NM/NM
Gauze - Equalizing Distort / Fuckheads LP (fanclub) GG Allin - Freaks, Faggots, Drunks & Junkies LP
Gorgoroth - Antichrist LP
Gorgoroth - Pentagram LP
Government Issue - Joyride LP
Grief - ...And Man Will Become The Hunted 2x LP
Guilt Of... S/T LP (Mike IX Williams of Eyehategod)
Gun Club - Fire of Love LP
Hamburger, Neil - Hot February Night LP
Hard Skin - Hard Nuts & Hard Cunts LP
HellBastard - Heading For Internal Damnation LP
HellBastard - Ripper Crust LP
Heresy - Face Up To It LP
High On Fire - Surrounded By Thieves 2x LP RED VINYL
Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10"
HIRAX - Not Dead Yet LP (Raging Violence & Hate Feat and Power)
Hypochristians - Terror during prayer LP
Ilsa - Tutti Il Colori Del Buio LP
Inepsy - City Weapons LP (Gatefold)
Inepsy - No Speed Limit For Destruction LP
Inepsy - Rock 'N' Roll Babylon LP
Integrity - To Die For 10"
Jesus Fucking Christ - Life's Hateful Seed LP
Jesus Fucking Christ - S/T LP
Joy Division - Autosuggestion LP
Joy Division - Closer The Unknown Treasures LP (fanclub)
Joy Division - Closer The Unknown Treasures Vol. 2 LP (fanclub)
Joy Division - Warsaw LP (1st JOY DIVISION Recordings!)
Kids - S/T LP
Knox - System//System LP
Kraut - An Adjustment to Society LP
Krigshot Örebro-Mangel LP
Kromosom - 8 Tracks LP
Kuro - 1983-1985 LP
Lie - S/T LP 625 Records NM/NM
Lie - S/T LP 625 Records NM/NM
Martyrdod - In Extremis LP
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops S/T LP
Midnight - Satanic Royalty LP
Mind Of Asian / Straight Edge Kegger - Split LP
Misery - From Where The Sun Never Shines 2x LP
Misfits - I Turned Into A Martian 12" LP
Moloch - Possession
Morne - Asylum 2xLP
Morne / Warprayer - Split LP
Motorhead - Ace Of Spades LP
Motorhead - Another Perfect Day LP
Motorhead - Iron Fist LP
Municipal Waste - Waste Em All LP
Necros - IQ32 + Live LP
Negative Approach - Tied Down LP
New York Dolls - S/T LP (Color Vinyl)
Night Birds - The Other Side Of Darkness LP
Nightstick Justice - S/T LP
Nitad - Ibland Kan Man Inte Hindra Sig Sjalv - LP
Noothgrush - Failing Early Failing Often 2x LP
Nothing But Enemies - Creepy Crawl LP
Nunslaughter - Hells Unholy Fire LP (Beer/Black vinyl w/Poster)
Offenders - Endless struggle LP
Panzerbastard - Gods, Thugs & Madmen 10" EP
Pentagram - Live Rites 2x LP
Pentagram - Review Your Choices: PIC DISC LP w/ Outer Cover
Pentagram - Show Em How LP: Gatefold, Color Vinyl
Pentagram - Sub-Basement LP
Phobia - Grind Your Fucking Head In LP
Phobia - Serenity Through Pain LP
Phobia / Gadget - Split LP
Pist - Ideas Are Bulletproof LP
Poison Idea - Darby Crash Rides Again: Early Years LP
Poison Idea - Feel The Darkness LP
Poison Idea - Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes LP (Clear)
Psycho - Studio Recordings 1982-1986 2x LP
Pulses - 10 Song Demo LP (yellow mixed vinyl)
R'N'R - Infamous and Notorious LP
Radio Birdman - Radios Appear LP 180 gram
Rajoitus - Hat Morker Amfetamin LP
Rajoitus- Maailman Hautajainen LP
Rambo - Bring It! LP w/ DVD
Ratos De Porao / Looking For An Answer - Split 10" Raw Power - Screams From The Gutter LP
Raw Power - ..still screaming (after 20 years) LP
Raw Power - After Your Brain LP
Raw Radar War - Double Equals Vinyl LP
Razors In The Night - Carry On! 10" EP (Splatter Vinyl)
Resistant Culture - All One Struggle LP (clear vinyl, gatefold)
Revilers - S/T LP
Riistetyt - Kuolonhymneja LP FIRST PRESS W/ POSTER (Import)
Roses Never Fade - Fade to Black LP (Integrity)
Rövsvett Boll-Mats Bjuder På Bullkalas & Kaffe 1984-1987 LP
Runnamucks - Inferno LP
RunnAmuckS - Of A Different Breed LP
Sacrifice - Forward to Termination LP
Sacrifice - Soldiers of Misfortune LP
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire LP
Saint Vitus - 1979 Tyrant Demo LP
Saint Vitus - Born Too Late LP
Saint Vitus - Heavier Than Thou 2x LP
Saint Vitus - Mournful Cries LP
Saint Vitus - Thirsty and Miserable 12"
Severed Head Of State - Power Hazard LP
Sex Pistols - Sex, Anarchy & Rock N Roll Swindle LP color vinyl
Shadow Of The Torturer - Marching Into Chaos LP
Shitlickers - 1982 LP (Skitslickers)
Siege - Drop Dead LP
Sigh - A Tribute to Venom LP (NM/NM) 1-Sided, Etched Vinyl w/CD
Sir Lord Baltimore - Kingdom Come LP 180gr
Sir Lord Baltimore - S/T LP 180gr
Slaughter - Strappado LP
Smiths - Barbarism Begins At Home LP (Pink Vinyl) Smiths The Old Guard BBC Tapes Volume One LP
Smiths The Old Guard BBC Tapes Volume Two LP
Son of Jor-El - S/T LP (Picture Disc) Fistula, 16, Rwake
Sonic Youth - Kill Yr Idols LP (White Vinyl, LTD. to 300)
Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy LP Color: Green Splatter
Spazz - La Revancha LP (Yellow Vinyl)
Spits - S/t (5th Album) LP
Stack - Konkret Lichtgeschwindigkeit LP
Stooges, Iggy Pop & The - Raw Power LP
Stormcrow / Sanctum - Split LP
Superchrist - Holy Shit LP
T.S.O.L. - Code Blue LP
Talk is Poison - Condensed Humanity LP
Tragedy - Vengeance LP
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses 2x LP
Unsane - Wreck LP
Urban Waste - S/T LP
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike LP
Venom - Black Metal (2x 180 Gram White Vinyl) LP
Verbal Abuse - Rocks Your Liver LP
Victims - ...In Blood LP
Villians - Drenched In The Poison LP
Vitamin X - Full Scale Assault LP
Void / Faith - Split LP
Voivod - To The Death 84 2x LP
Voivod - War and Pain LP
Vulture Industries - The Dystopia Journals 2x LP
Wadge - S/T 10" EP (VG+/VG+)
Wasteoid / Black Maket Fetus - Split LP
Witch Hunt - As Priorities Decay LP
Wolfbrigade - Damned LP
Young Widows - Old Wounds LP
V/A - Boston's Infested LP (Toxic Narcotic, Out Cold +More)
VA- Best of Unsound Bands 1983-1985 LP (New York KBD Punk)
V/A - Bloodstains Across California LP
V/A - Bloodstains Across Texas LP
V/A - Bloodstains Across the Midwest LP
V/A - Clone I LP (Fistula, Coffins, Monarch, Salome + More)
V/A - Clone II LP (Moloch, Loss, Thou + More)
V/A - Clone III LP (Fistula, Whitehorse, Crowskin, Sollubi +)
V/A - Gulf Coast Massacre LP (Runnamucks Insect Warfare, P.L.F.)
V/A Let Them Eat Jellybeans! LP 1982 (Black Flag, Flipper, DOA)
V/A Taking Out A Little Agression - Agression Tribute LP (Color)
V/A Taking Out A Little Agression - Agression Tribute LP (Color)
101ers - Keys To Your Heart 7" (The Clash, Joe Strummer)
Acid Reflux - Secret Power 7"


Amdi Petersens Arme - Blod Ser Mere Virkeligt 7"
Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill 7"
ANTiSEEN / Brody's Militia - Primal Roar 2nd Split 7"
ANTiSEEN / Brody's Militia - Split 7"
Ashers - Cold Dark Place 7"
Assassinators - i disse morke tider 7"
Avengers - We Are The One 7"
Avskum - Crucified by the System EP
Backslider / Chainsaw To The Face - Split 7"
Bad Brains - 171A 1981 Sessions 7"
Bad Religion - 'Public Service' 1981 Comp 7"
Battalion of Saints - Hell's Around the Next Corner 7"
Black Market Fetus - A.R.A.B. Flexi 7"
Black Pyramid - Stormbringer 8" EP
Blood Duster - Menstrual Soup 7" Picture Disc
Bloodtype - X 7"
Brain Donor - Get Off YOur Pretty Face 7" Pic Disc (Julian Cope)
Brain Killer - S/T 7"
Brody's Militia / Rupture - Split 7"
Capitalist Casualties / No Comply - Split 7"
Casket Blaster / Knifethruhead - Split 7"
Cerekloth - Halo of Syringes 7"
Chronic Sick - Reagan Bands 7"
Chuck Norris - 2nd Demo 7" (Screened sleeve)
Citizens Arrest - Soaked In Other's Blood 7"
Citizens Patrol - Sick Routine EP 7"
Closure - S/T 7"
Cock Sparrer - True To Yourself 7"
Coffins / Sourvein - Split 7"
Coffins / XXX Maniak - Split LP
Coke Bust - Degradation 7"
Concrete Facelift - Uuaagh! 7"
Confuse - Nuclear Addicts 7"
Confuse - Spending Loud Night 7"
Crime - Hot Wire My Heart / Baby You're So Repulsive 7"
Crisis of Conformity - Fist Fight 7" (SNL, Fred Armisen)
Culo - Military Trend 7"
Culo - Toxic Vision 7"
Culo / Tenement - split 7''
Cursed - Last Session 7"
Dahmer - 2 Songs: CLEAR VINYL 7"
Dahmer / Mesrine - split 7"
David Carradine / Exogorth - Split 7"
Dicks - Hate the Police 7"
Die Kreuzen - Cows and Beer 7"
Discharge - Decontrol 7"
Discharge - Fight Back 7"
Discharge - Never Again 7"
Discharge - Realities of War 7"
Discharge - State Violence State Control 7"
Diskonected - 4 Songs 7"
Dispense - Nothing But The Truth 7" (Victims, Skitsystem)
Dissed - Cography 7"
Doom - Police Bastard 7" (Green Vinyl)
Double Negative - Hardcore Confusion Volume 1 7"
Double Negative - Hardcore Confusion Volume 2 7"
Double Negative - Hits 7"
Dropdead / Look Back and Laugh split 7"
Executioner - Hellbound 7" (Black)
Executioner - Hellbound 7" (Red)
Ferocious Fucking Teeth - Hounds 7"
Final Conflict - In The Family 7"
Fingers - Isolation 7"
Flesh Eaters ‎ Disintegration Nation: 1978 Demos 7"
Folded Shirt - Tiny Boat/Mouth Clock 7"
For The Worse / Enemies For Life - Split 7"
For The Worse / Wednesday Night Heroes Split 7" (Blue)
For The Worse / Wednesday Night Heroes Split 7" (White)
Frat Boys - Demo '07 7"
Front Line - Basic Training 7"
Fruit Salad - Blood Power 7" (Screened Cover)
Fucked Up - Police 7"
Fucked Up / Haymaker - Split 7"
Funeral Shock - III 7"
Funeral Shock - Paint Thinner 7"
Gang Green - I Fear 7"
Generic Death 7" - Underground is Dead (Dishammer, Machetazo)
Get Destroyed - Shut In 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T 7"
Government Issue - Make An Effort 7"
Gruesome Stuff Relish / Call The Paramedics - Split 7"
Hamburger, Neil - Six Pack (Black Flag) 7" w/ Hard-Ons
Hammer Damage - Laugh/Automatic Lips 7"
Haute Couture - Demo 7"
Hazardous Waste - Half Life/Danger Zone 7"
Heartless - S/T 7"
Heist - Pain Is Causing Life 7" (Purple)
Hoax - 1st S/T 7"
Hoax - 2nd S/T 7"
Hoax - 3rd S/T 7"
Honor Code - S/T 7"
Hound / As Long As We're Living, We're All Dying - split 7"
I Witness / Slapendehonden - split 7"
Impetigo / Ingrowing 7" Split Picture Disc
In Aeternum - Curse Of Devastation 7"
In Defence / Birds Of A Feather - Split 7"
Incredible Kidda Band - Fighting My Way Back 7" (Power Pop)
Incredible Kidda Band - Radio Caroline 7" (Power Pop)
Inmates - Now We Talkin Hardcore 7"
Insult / Rampant Decay - Split 7" (Clear/Black Swirl) Integrity / Creepout - Split 7" (color vinyl)
Judas - Dictator 7" (Screened Cover)
Judge Dread - Death Rattle 7"
Jungle Juice - Bastard Sessions 7" (Rwake)
Kuru / Embryonic Devourment - Split 7" (Color)
La Corde - Unmarked Doors / Virus 7"
La Corde / Cat Party - Split 7"
Lack Of Interest / Weekend Nachos - split 7"
Ladies - Hole Sailor 7"
Ladies - Six More Reasons To Hate... 7"
Ladies - Trashed 7"
Life Trap - Bleak Reality 7"
Life Trap - Solitary Confinement 7"
Lobotomized / Bonesaw - Split 7"
LSD - Jast Last 7"
MDK - Moonmaiden (Flexi) 7"
Meatmen - Happy Fucking Easter, Asshole 7"
Mentally Ill - Gacy's Place 7"
Moloch / Rot In Hell - Split 7"
Mongrels Cross - Whoresanna 7"
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Black)
MMud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Glow Vinyl)
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Marbled Vinyl
Mud City Manglers / Plastered Bastards - Split 7" (Orange)
Napalm Death / Converge - Split 7" (Gold Vinyl)
Necros - Sex Drive 7"
Neon Christ - Parental Suppression 7"
News - Dirty Lies 7" (1978 Australian KBD)
Nihilistics / Rupture - Split 7"
No Comment - Common Senseless 7"
No Comment - Downsided 7"
No Statik - No Hospice 7"
Noosebomb - S/T 7" (Pic Disc)
Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5"
Nunslaughter - Trifurcate (7" Pic Disc)
Nunslaughter / Bloodsick - Split 7" (Pic Disc)
Offenders - I Hate Myself 7"
Omegas - N.Y. Terminator 7"
Out Cold - No Eye Contact 7"
Outlaw Order - Legalize Crime 7" (Purple) (Mike IX- Eyehategod)
Panzerbastard - S/T 7" (Import)
Pick Your Side - Survival Prayer 7"
Psycho - 'Buzzsaw Shaped' 7" (Black)
Psycho - 'Buzzsaw Shaped' 7" (Red)
Ramones - Slug b/w Yea, Yea 7"
Rampant Decay / Kruds - Split 7" (Purple)
Randoms - ABCD/Let's Get Rid Of New York 7" (John Doe X)
Rattus - Invade the USA 7"
Ravens Creed - Militia To Blood Sacrifice 7"
Raw Power - Wop Hour 7"
Raw Radar War - Defend Finland 7"
Rawhide - Branded For Life 7" (Black)
Rawhide - Branded For Life 7" (Clear Blue)
Rawhide - Built To Blow 7"
Red Cross - 1979-1982 7"
Repercussions - No Peace 7"
Revilers - Isolation 7"
Revilers - Stand Or Fall 7" (Black)
Revilers - Stand Or Fall 7" (Blue)
Revilers / Bulldozer BCN - Always Making Friends split 7"
Revilers / For The Worse / World War IX / Aggressive Force 7"
Road Rage / Sleepwalkers - Split 7"
Rosenbombs - S/T 7"
Rot In Hell / Horders - The Omega Suite 7"
Runnamucks / AVO - Split 7"
Sectarian Violence - S/T 7"
Shaolin Finger Jabb / Obsesif Kompulsif - Split 7"
Sheer Terror - Spite 7" (Pink Vinyl)
Skrewdriver - Back With A Bang! 7" (Pre-Racist)
Skunks - Earthquake Shake/Can't Get Loose 7"
Slimy Cunt & The FistFucks - Bastards 7" (Color)
Sorrower - S/T 7"
Spawn Of Satan/Evil Angel - Split 7"
SPG - Special Patrol Group 7"
Stab - Nation Rising 7"
Straight Edge Kegger / Knifethruhead 5" (Color)
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" BLACK Vinyl EYEHATEGOD
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" COLOR Vinyl EYEHATEGOD
Strong Intention - Razorblade Express 7" Test Pressing Ltd to 50
Strung Up - Warfucked 7"
Terrorazor / Slapenhonden - Split 7"
Thrak - S/T 7"
Tombstalker - S/T 7"
ToughSkins / Zitsquatch - Split 7"
Tragedy / Totalitär - Split 7"
Triac - Always Meant To Hurt You 7"
Unholy Grave - Chaotic Raw Madness EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Hatred Division split EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Raw Slaughter EP 7"
Unholy Grave - Unholy Bastards EP 7"
Unholy Grave / Iron Butter - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Kadaverficker - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Mitten Spider - Split 7"
Unholy Grave / Unbiased- Raw Hammer Damnation Split EP 7"
Victims, The - No Thanks to the Human Turd EP 7"
World Burns To Death / Slang - Split 7" (Red)
Wormeaters - Cattle Cannot Choose 7"
Young Republicans - Sabotage Your Cookout 7" (Youth of Today)
Zombie Cookbook - Cinetrash 7" (Red vinyl)
V/A - Epilogue Vol 1(KYI tribute) 7" (Backtrack ,RBL, Seasick +)
V/A - Audio Espionage 8" (Deceased, Psycho, Bastard Noise)
V/A - Obscenity Cult: Extreme Audio Gangbang 2 (Color #'d/500)
V/A - Shut The Fuck Up & Listen 7" Vo. 1 (D.I., Dehumanizers)
V/A - Shut The Fuck Up & Listen 7"(Raw Power Dwarves In Defence)