Fitting pickups


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Are there only two wires? Is that right? I just had the "Duncan Designed" pups taken out of my Jackson RR3 (replaced with Dimarzio Fred and PAF Joe) and I'm thinking I could put the Duncan's in my Epi SG. Do I just have to snip the wires on the current pups in the SG and connect the Duncan wires? Is that all there is to it essentially?
When I replaced my standard single coil in my Strat with a Seymour Duncan at the bridge, there were more wires in the Seymour Duncan than there were in the original pickup and it was a little complicated to figure out, but I did some research online and managed to do it. There's a cool video on the Seymour Duncan site that's worth watching:

How to install pickups