Fizzy mix and strange sound


Sep 14, 2008


i need as much criticism I can get !!! :)

this mix is very strange .. when i listen to it on headphones it sounds totally different , everything is seperated and the guitars are fizzy

but when i listen to it over my ipod-dockin-station it sounds "good" =/

could you tell me please what sounds strange here ?

i know the everything is not played well .. but i will correct this

thanks =)
Well on my monitors i'm definitely hearing some clipping going on. Thats the "fizz" you're hearing
Are you running something like a loudness maximizer on your master bus?
Yeah the guitars are really fizzy. It could be the amp or sim, or it could be harmonic saturation or something you have on it. Regardless, it would help bring up that almost non existant bass and giving some more bass frequencies.
This is really clipping man. You probably want to master loud, but this is really detrimental.
I don't hear clipping anymore. The cymbals seem a bit weak, I don't know how to describe it. The guitars are also a bit undergained, and a tad too mid heavy in my opinion. I think the vocals would benefit from a bit more compression and maybe some tube saturation. I like Tubelimit. The kick sounds really mechanical but I think that is the sound you are going for. The bass I think could also benefit from being a bit brighter and more upfront, it also may need to be compressed more. Hope these comments help. Good job, the vocals seem pretty right on for this style of music.

thanks =D

i used steven slate drums .. i think this cymbals are weak.. does someone know better?
yes they are a bit undergained and just 2 tracks.. but i can't fix the gain now =/ ..
when i scoop the mids a lil bit in the 800 - 1200 hz area it sounds bad^^
saturation on vox is too much .. but i ll compress them a lil bit more .. the same for the bass
i also will boost the bass around 4khz a lil bit .. i hope it sounds brighter after that =)

i'll upload the new mix later :)
i tried to fix everything except the vox cause i didn't get them better.. i think i have to turn them up a lil bit again cause of the other changes
hope it is not too much bass now .. i added a second comp and did just two little eq boosts
i added a compressor to the guitar track
do the overheads disturb the other instruments now ? .. i just added comp too and turned them a lil bit up

does the mix sound better ? .. i think so^^ but i could be wrong =D

thanks for your feeback =)
i made a little comparision between the old and the new mix :

0 - 5 I
5 - 11 II
11 - 17 I
17 - 24.5 II
24.4 - 30 I
30 - 37 II
37 - 43 I
43 - 50 I
50 - 55 II
55 - 1:02 I
1:02 - 1:09 II
1:09 - 1:14 I
1:14 - 1:23 II
1:23 - 1:29 I
1:29 - 1:34 II
1:23 - 1:47 I
1:47 - 2:00 II
2:00 - 2:11 I
2:11 - 2:24 II

i hope this is easier to compare it =)
I like the guitars more now for sure. The bass is also sitting better, although i think it would benefit the entire mix to EQ it brighter still (make the guitars seem bigger). Those slate cymbals shouldn't be a source of poor quality. I would recommend adding some more of a room mic in on the overheads and considering adding a touch of reverb on them as well. The vocals are sounding a tad loud at times, but not too noticably a small adjustment maybe. Also I think it is still about topping out as far as how loud you are trying to master it. I would like to hear an unmastered version as well. If you are mixing with limiters and mastering chains on, try adjusting the levels without and then adding them back. Typically this helps getting the levels right. Some people can do it fine with them on, but doesn't hurt to try. Good luck.

George.'re still clipping...

the second mix you posted was a little better clipping wise...and the last one is just like the first one...again, clipping wise

your songs pretty cool man, i love the breaks...but its hitting too much your master compressor
your guitars can be a little bit back in the mix to blend better.

some delay on the vocals will really help it sit better in the mix.