Fizzy mix and strange sound're still clipping...

the second mix you posted was a little better clipping wise...and the last one is just like the first one...again, clipping wise

your songs pretty cool man, i love the breaks...but its hitting too much your master compressor
your guitars can be a little bit back in the mix to blend better.

some delay on the vocals will really help it sit better in the mix.

thanks :kickass:


hm thanks for ur advice but when the guitars are a little back there is something missing .. they are only doubletracked

i put some delay on vocals .. i think it really helped

i turned the master down again .. hope it doesn't clip anymore.

does it ???

thanks =)
ok thanks =)

i fixed the kick.
don't u like the effect on the vocals? .. i just added some stereo-delay. maybe too much?