flame me.......

Metalman, if you took that screenie of Q3... then I gotta say your computer must blow big donkey nuts as those textures are fuzzy as hell, it seems to be running below lowest settings haha.

Btw, nice... someone is getting money from their free promo copy of Damnation... smart, smart.
I already bought one of the promo copies; I am still awaiting it's arival.

Yes I fully intend on purchasing the actual cd when it comes out, for I just couldn't go without the liners and shit.
Moonlapse said:
Metalman, if you took that screenie of Q3... then I gotta say your computer must blow big donkey nuts as those textures are fuzzy as hell, it seems to be running below lowest settings haha.

Btw, nice... someone is getting money from their free promo copy of Damnation... smart, smart.

try r_picmip "5". Then you'll see some fuzzy shit.