Flanders ... Rocks!


Paul Craddick


While, undoubtably, all in the band are in top form on the new album, justice requires special mention of that new guy, that rhythmatist, that stickmeister, that burgeoning master of the skins, that groovester that navigates odd-time changes as nimbly as a monkey in a forest ... namely, my successor, "Flanders" (as his friends call him).

I think Sean did a fantastic job on "Blink," and I'm very pleased to see that, from the get-go, he's establishing very much his own "voice" and approach to Enchant's music. I find his interpretations of the songs, and percussive arrangements generally, very refreshing, inspiring, and creative.

To my ears, he's got a very solid "pocket"/groove, which he spices up with subtle and tasteful "flurries" here and there (nice hi-hat stuff in the opening bars of "Under Fire," as well as in the solo section of -- I think it is -- "Seeds of Hate"). Overall, there's a really nice "flow" to his parts and transitions. The tom-tom pattern that opens "Monday," as well as the breakdown bit in "Flatline," are fantastic -- great feel and sense of power, a lot of control without being at all stiff. There are a few lightning-like parts he sneaks in in a couple of places, too -- mixing things up between the snare and double-bass, for example, or zooming down the toms in quick succession -- that show there's a lot of technique held in reserve, waiting for the right moment to leap out and take things to a higher level of intensity.

For those inclined to micro-compare the old and new, consider that it's likely that the old guy won't be too happy to hear that you're glad he's been replaced, and the new guy won't be too happy to hear that you wish the old guy was still there! So, hopefully people's observations will be both honest *and* judicious. I'll tell you one thing: now I will count Flanders as one of my "influences."

Well done, Sean.

Hi Paul !

It's nice to read some of your words :)

What are your musical projects right now…_?

I heard that there may be another Wishing Tree planned ? can you tell ?

Ze Dan - drums, percussion & backing vocals
::: (Cyber)Conscience ::: The Official Conscience website

ICQ 98336463

PS : Make another XEN album man !


Hi Paul... glad to hear from you. You're obviously not just an excellent musician, but also a man of honour.
I'm happy that you are still a member of the Enchant family, and hope you will post here in the future as well. Your input is always welcome.

Take care!


You are still there! That`s really nice to hear and I hope that we will hear from you from time to time...
Keep us informed about your musical carreer. Wishing Tree? Xen? ..doesn`t matter! I would buy anything from the Enchant family. (Ok, if it was a Britney Spears tribute album you would make it very difficult for me :rollin: )

I am also impressed by your very nice and unenvious comments on Sean`s drumming! It always makes lives easier if the new bandmember is also respected by an exmember, because the inital phase in a new band is always difficult for a new bandmember! I think our new drummer experienced the same when he took over the seat of our old drummer. Luckily both got on really well and I even think it helped both of them.

All the best!



Hey Paul

Great review and very accurate! Flanders hah? yeah he rocks! :) He kicked some butt at Nearfeat as well!

Hey I guess I am damn fortunate to be able to work with the likes of you two blokes! A Bassist's dream come true !!!!!!!!!!

How is the Bad Habib Project coming?


really nice post by Mr. Craddick. I think though there's no need to be afraid for the current and the former drummer, both really very nice. Before listening to the new CD i was a bit afraid that maybe there might be something lacking as for me, the drumming was one of the awesome parts of Enchant. So a very big compliment to the 'former drummer'. Very unique in a certain kind of way. I don't know how to describe it (not being a drummer). I'd say very 'unprog' (as the rest of the band as well) in the sense of not doing the usual stuff but really doing it superb. (i'm not much a fan of the 'standard prog' stuff) O.k. i can't put it right, but i love the drumming. For the 'new drummer', i think he lived (or drummed) up to the expectations. Fits very well to the band as well. excellent job there ! So i'd think both the past and the present (future) are very good.

On another note though, i think the absence of of a fulltime keyboard player is somehow noticable. The keys done were really nice (i love the beginning of 'follow the sun') but overall had more of a 'filing' or 'sound effect' on the whole, at least that was my impression. Also surely due to the more guitar heavy sound, which i like as well, i guess i am just a bit biased when it comes to keyboards :)

i'm curious to see both the future of your work and that of Enchant. So it looks there'll be two superb things to follow in the future. good luck to both the band and Paul Craddick. It'd be well deserved !

enough babbling i think....


Steffen C.