
To me, Flaw is just another one of the nu-metal bands that the US keeps producing in the same vein as Linkin Park and P.O.D or something like that. They all pretty much sound the same, with guitars downtuned subsonically and no melodic creativity to speak of. I am from New York too, but once I heard a lot of bands from the whole European metal scene, I realized how shoddy these US bands are for the *most* part. No, I don't like Cannibal Corpse or anything grotesque like that, I think a good example would be the band Sentenced. They're from Sweden I believe, and some songs, such as "Nepenthe" are great examples of what SHOULD be mainstream metal but is not in the US. Many of the heaviest european metal bands don't have to have retarded hair styles or face paint to play good music, like Flaw, Korn, Mudvayne, etc.
Just my two cents.
Notice I said many, not all :D Obviously every culture has their share of weirdos. The difference being that black metal guys are known for being great musicians regardless of their face paint.
I saw Flaw at a club in Panama City, Florida, and my buddy's band opened up for them. They blew Flaw away...Flaw is nu-metal in my opinion. My buddy's band is called Compound F...it's like hardcore/thrash/death metal. If you get a chance, check them out.
Flaw, is Nu-Metal, or more commonly called TOP 40 or POP... it may have some heavy influences (yea right)... but is most certainly not metal.
Fucking road teamers go the fuck away you suck and so does flaw. almost no one that likes good metal likes nu-metal
shes a fucking street teamer and shes posting here were NO one is gonna buy a fuckin flaw CD what a dumb cunt
Can someone tell me what the deal is with "black metal" bands painting their faces, putting on dark clothes, and putting chains and spikes everywhere? I would think playing in your normal clothes would be a lot more comfortable? Then again, maybe that's what they wear all the time? =) Ok, scratch this post!
no its because they suck musically and have to be all tough and "True" to black metal thats why the production on CD's sucks to
Originally posted by Extortae
Can someone tell me what the deal is with "black metal" bands painting their faces, putting on dark clothes, and putting chains and spikes everywhere? I would think playing in your normal clothes would be a lot more comfortable? Then again, maybe that's what they wear all the time? =) Ok, scratch this post!

It's supposed to be a certain attitude for them, like the fruity rebellious hair bands of the 80's dressing up in drag. Some of their music can be technically proficient and some may have some good songs, while others need the corpse paint in order to draw attention to themselves when their otherwise sub-par music doesn't cut it. Ex: Kovenant... I like a bunch of their songs, i think they dress up too, but I just ignore it and listen to the music :D
Originally posted by flawgirl
hey all you music fans check out the new flaw video it will kick your ass.....the link is below tell me what you think so i will know... new flaw
hehe those guys are funning looking, but at least they try to incorporate the tool sound into the few songs ive heard by them(my friend TRIED to get me into them),even if its not that successful. I guess thats not a very good thing when the biggest compliment i can give a band is that they try to sound like somebody else...