Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles
Willowtip Records WT-070 21 April 2009
By Jason Jordan
During my initial run-through of Fleshgod Apocalypses debut long-player, I wasnt too impressed. After repeated, close listens, I can confidently admit that Oracles is a good yet second-rate example of technical death metal. Sure, this uber-talented band can playfastbut the only songs that truly engage me are the latter few.
Still, while as a whole this album isnt extraordinary, there are moments of brilliance waiting to be uncovered. For example, the clean female vocals that intermingle with the growls on In Honour of Reason (4:00-24) are outstanding. Also striking are the ascending leads that begin at the two-minute mark of Sophistic Demise. However, similar to the latest from sister group Hour of Penance, Oracles is essentially par for the course. Until, that is, Infection of the White Throne. The former is a relentless and energizing number, which is unsurprising since the others are too, but it ups the proverbial ante starting at 1:33. The slower, restrained approach is excellentespecially when it rears its head again later. Retrieving My Carcass capitalizes on the above M.O., but throws in a few curveballs for good measure (emphasis on low-end, catchy double-bass patterns, etc.). These Italians are evidently enraptured with classical music, and though the orchestral arrangements arent overly invasive, I dont think they mesh well with the DM. Nonetheless, the piano-led title track works well as a closer.
Perhaps it goes without saying, but tech death aficionados will find numerous, redeeming qualities in Fleshgod Apocalypse. I appreciate Oracles for what it is, but when I reach for a tech death album, its likely from Anata or the early 90s contingent.
Official Fleshgod Apocalypse Myspace
Official Willowtip Records Website
Willowtip Records WT-070 21 April 2009
By Jason Jordan

During my initial run-through of Fleshgod Apocalypses debut long-player, I wasnt too impressed. After repeated, close listens, I can confidently admit that Oracles is a good yet second-rate example of technical death metal. Sure, this uber-talented band can playfastbut the only songs that truly engage me are the latter few.
Still, while as a whole this album isnt extraordinary, there are moments of brilliance waiting to be uncovered. For example, the clean female vocals that intermingle with the growls on In Honour of Reason (4:00-24) are outstanding. Also striking are the ascending leads that begin at the two-minute mark of Sophistic Demise. However, similar to the latest from sister group Hour of Penance, Oracles is essentially par for the course. Until, that is, Infection of the White Throne. The former is a relentless and energizing number, which is unsurprising since the others are too, but it ups the proverbial ante starting at 1:33. The slower, restrained approach is excellentespecially when it rears its head again later. Retrieving My Carcass capitalizes on the above M.O., but throws in a few curveballs for good measure (emphasis on low-end, catchy double-bass patterns, etc.). These Italians are evidently enraptured with classical music, and though the orchestral arrangements arent overly invasive, I dont think they mesh well with the DM. Nonetheless, the piano-led title track works well as a closer.
Perhaps it goes without saying, but tech death aficionados will find numerous, redeeming qualities in Fleshgod Apocalypse. I appreciate Oracles for what it is, but when I reach for a tech death album, its likely from Anata or the early 90s contingent.
Official Fleshgod Apocalypse Myspace
Official Willowtip Records Website