Fleshgore - May God Strike Me Dead


Apr 5, 2003
Fleshgore - May God Strike Me Dead
This Dark Reign - TDR-24 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Immediately upon placing this disc in your player, it SLAMS you with brutal percussion laced with double bass and blastbeats whilst unrelenting tremelo riffs bust forth. May God Strike Me Dead starts off very strong, yet does not remain entirely consistent throughout the album. There are a few moments when the music briefly evolves into something other than rabid death metal, but not too frequently.

On one hand, this is a very exciting and massive death metal experience, but with a name like Fleshgore, you could probably tell that much already. On the other hand, the band sounds a bit like a Deicide clone... Of course, Deicide recently hasn't really produced anything as fast and technical as Fleshgore is. Despite seeming a tad unoriginal, the presentation of this group is fantastic.. after all, not every group can (or should) venture into the unknown and release a completely unique death metal album - after enough time, it would have all been done anyway.

The vocalist has employed two different techniques into his performances: first, regular low death grunts.. secondly, inhaled growls. The latter penetrates the mix more appropriately, and adds a nice touch to the belligerent beats, however the inhaled growls are a bit weak and squeaky.

Sure, this may be a somewhat mediocre death metal album, but it definitely delivers the goods. After listening to this, one can mutter only these words.... May God Strike Me Dead.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Fleshgore Website
Official This Dark Reign Website