Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?


Feb 25, 2011
I wanted to end a song link this instead of having the chords ring out. Was wondering if anybody knows a good way of doing it or a plug (mac, AU) that will do this effect.

Pretty much looking for the entire mix to flicker in and out and then just cut off, like if you have a bad connection on a cable and shake it. Pretty sure everybody knows what I'm talking about.
Unfortunately I don't have an amp or a guitar, or I would record something like this myself. I know a majority of you have an amp and mic set up already. :) Who wants to take 5 minutes of their time to record some buzz and then the unplugging of the guitar? Eh? Ehhhhh?
@wutzington can i ask what negative limiting is? did a quick search and couldnt find nothing definative, im curious as i like weird techniques for using processors for a differant purpose (if that is what it does)
There's probably samples of stuff like that to be found on freesound.org

You dont even need a guitar to make them either, could be any old plug, or use a turntable and fuck the needle up and sample that.