Flo Mounier's Extreme Metal Drumming 101

Oct 28, 2005
Check this out, just got it in the mail...

Flo Mounier's Extreme Metal Drumming 101 DVD is now available! You can find all the details and order it through his web site at http://www.flomounier.com

The DVD will be available at the following stores in Montreal = Steve's Music (51 St-Antoine W.), Drum Bazar (8780 St-Laurent), Profusion (1843 Ontario East) and Italmelodie (274 Jean-Talon East), also from Galy Records mail order.

Flo Mounier & Cryptopsy

Eric Galy
Galy Records: http://www.galyrecords.com

Vortex - Imminence of Death
Beneath The Massacre - Evidence of Inequity
Camilla Rhodes - Like the Word Love on The Lips of a Harlot

View all Galy releases:
10293847 said:
Great drummer, annoying website. I'm still waiting for Sean Reinert's video...
Yeah man, I would probably rank him #1... Good to see him feeding the grassroots like this
Fuck yeah. Thats awesome. The list of the contents is amazing, there is some must see stuff there even for non-drummers. A gravity blast lesson.:worship:

Whats with the steep price? I'm already sold, but its a lot more expensive than your average 2 disc DVD.