Flood at the Bang Your Head Festival


Guardian Of The Blind
Mar 18, 2002
Karben / Germany
Due to several news agencys I've heard that last night at the Bang Your Head-festival in Balingen (southern Germany) hard rain and quite some sturm occured.
About 40 people got slightly hurt (mostly by flying tents), approximately 500 or 1000 metal fans "lost" their tent ...

Don't worry about Marlies and Nico, they booked a hotel.

Maybe they can tell us more next week ...
yes it was horrible....... LUCKILY we were in a hotel!!!!!!!!! And by accident, because we couldn't go before Thursday night and knew we wouldn't get camping space close to the festival anymore.

Several people have said it was the worst thunderstorm they had ever seen, and there suddenly was water up to 30-50 cm (12-20 inches)! 500 people were evacuated, thousands of tents have been destroyed, big merch tents on the festival have been lifted en flew through the air, lots of damage to all sorts of materials, it's really a wonder no one got killed!!
And we were in our hotel.... woke up from the incredible heavy rain, all the lightning, but it wasn't very stormy where we were (20 km from Balingen). We could only wonder how the camp- and festival sites were doing......

The technicians did great work by repairing and replacing stuff on stage, and after a few hours delay we were let in and they still let all the bands play, but only for 3-4 songs until they were back on schedule. I thought that was a great thing! Only, if they had streched it a bit more, the headliners would share in the compromise too. Now it was only the small bands and the last bunch of bands could all play their normal time, that's not exactly fair.