Flooding Istanbul


Apr 8, 2004
Republic Of Istanbul
I don't have anything to say about Istanbul concert, i think you already got how you were great after seeing how was the response of the metallers who were there.!

I wish, i'll have chance to see you again.
I'm so happy for all the OL fans in Istanbul. I felt the storm from here...next storm's station...Izmir..i wish you'll have the time of your lives!!! :headbang: :)
it was the best orphaned land gig so far in turkey. both the performance and the setlist was better than the previous two shows. the sound was once again awful as in every ol. gig ever happened in istanbul. it was cool that shlomit levi was there on the stage this time. upss! and the belly dancer. the belly dancer was on stage w/ ol. in songs like norra el norra, estarabim and aldiar al mukadisa. there was kinda 800-1000 people in the venue and the gig was nearly sold out. the venue where orphaned land played, used to be a venue for local artist from fifties and it's where the most famous and the best turkish singer ever, zeki muren(r.i.p.) first played live. these are some of my shots from the gig. they're not that quality, i know... anyway it may give people some opinion about the show.

*i am not sure for the order but setlist was something like this. of temptation born, the kiss of babylon, seasons unite, birth of the three, aldiar al mukadisa, like fire to water, a neverending way, ocean land, find yourself discover god, el meod naala, beloveds cry, norra el norra, estarabim and few more that i can't remember right now. tomorrow i will give out the link for aldiar al mukadisa and estarabim videos here. enjoy!

*btw pictures are pretty big sorry for that.

excellent, wonderful, great, superb etc. etc. i cannot describe the show and all weekend.

unfortunately i couldn't get Yossi's pick, and it seems that Angel_of_Light got it. ;)instead i gave Yossi one of my picks. :) he said that he will play with it in Izmir show.

OL members gave us huge and warm hugs after the show. it was really so nice. ...and playlist was excellent too. show started with Mabool, ended with Estarabim. it was totally great performance. thank you brothers...
Yes,it was a great concert there in Kazablanka that I have ever had! Never can be forgotten!

Firuze is the name of the belly dancer in Istanbul show. But actually it would be interesting to hear OL play Fairouz.

Ok- I cried! That was how beautiful and amazing it was. Not only the Orphaned show, but to meet up with wonderful friends again and making new friends- I was rocking with my brother in metal Iz from Jordan, with Ernst from Austria, with Derya, Ipek, Oya and the excellent promoter and big boss (salut) Tolga. You all made this an unforgettable experience for me and I'm gonna miss you all so much ( I do already)
The way everyone sang along to beloveds and norra el norra was unforgettable-really! We proved that it does not matter from which country,religion or background anyone comes- we are all the same people in the end. It felt like being part of one big global family.

There was only one thing which have could made it an ever better gig and that was if the greek brothers and sisters would have been there.(next time ok???)

Here is the setlist:
Mabool+ of temptation born
Kiss of Babylon+ seasons unite
Birth of the three
Aldiar (medley)
Like fire to water
Never ending way
Orphaned land
Ocean land
Find yourself, discover God
El meod na'ala
ornaments of gold
beloveds cry+ the storm
Norra el norra

I would want to ask for anyone who has any kind of recording of the gig, to please contact me. I would love to have them.

yea, the organisation of the gig was done well. we just waited on door for one hour and the first band played there, "Lil" was really a good choice that their music quality was really great (i hope i am gonna hear about that band from Izmir again). Also the delay between lil and orphaned land was not so long.

btw, natalie, if i'd know that i could get a kiss from you before the concert, i would surely find a camera ; )

and karasakal, i didn't realise that everyone stop handbanging but at least, myself, i meant me, has stoped it and looked her, it's something unusual for a metal concert! also in the district, some guys were makin' fun with O.L. that they should put a belly dancer to their concerts.. so... it was a really a good answer !!

btw, if the fariouz you are talking about is her: http://www.fairouz.com/ ??

and my friend chris.. this flood were all over the balkans that began in greece and after turkey it'll pass to bulgaria : ) i am sure that you had great time there in greece too while on show.
Everyone has already told what's on my mind..OL came flooding istanbul with their music and a real flood was out here..It rained for 2-3 days:)Morticia I saw you near the stage dancing with the songs:)I have some good quality photos and 3 or 4 mini videos.Videos are not very good but the sound is ok.I'll try to put'em here soon.
Thanks OL for another perfect gig and the warm embraces.
Btw Kobi I realised that you have the tatoo I want for 2 years:)Hope I can have it too.
here is the complete video of aldiar al mukadisa in 2 part.


it is in two part since my camera is only able to record 2-2,5 minute videos. hope you'll enjoy it . second video includes the belly dancer.

i have a very limited web space so i'll have to move this 2 file on thursday. be quick to download it. on thursday i will upload estarabim video.

Cem- hi hi, you make me shy talkin like that. Well, there is a hug and a kiss for you next time ok?

Slash- ok, thought it was you I saw, but did not realize it until later. I was running from one place to the other to talk to everyone in the limited time I had. I really really wanted to go to Izmir, but couldn't because my flight back to Holland was this morning at 0600! I had to get back in time to start my new job tomorow. Just as I got off the plane they called to say that they rather had I start the job on wednesday. Oh no! This means that I could have gone to Izmir and get back in time- why why why did they not tell me earlier?

Yup- I was dancing & headbanging and us girls next to the stage were all dancing together and singing along like crazy! I think it took me 30 minutes to get my hair in normal shape again, but I had the best time ever.
It would be great if you were abe to put the stuff in here Slash- thanxxx in advance.

And also thanx to suicidal for the post! Now I can relive it.
sure thing that istanbul was about to become an ocean land that day! :)
well what can be said about the show? i was deadly tired until i entered the place but then i became alive again. the resurrection?
the setlist was perfect. the most amazing moments for me were when "aldiar al mukadisa" and "the beloved's cry" were played. yossi sang aldiar al mukadisa really very good :) i just wasn't expecting them to play it but they did, and it was an unforgettable and "divine" experience indeed.

and shlomit... her voice is just so magical, so warm and enchanting!

again, estarabim was very good. both the playing and kobi's pronounciation was even better than it was at RTN. i really hope someone has a good recording of it...

ah, and the belly dancer! :) when i first heard about it, i thought it would be interesting but also weird. on the stage, it was sure interesting but not weird at all, she fitted the songs quite well and that added the show some more unique beauty.

so, dozens and dozens of thanks, to the band members. for being so perfect at being both a music band and being great individuals. (yossi shook my hand and asked "nasılsın?" every time he saw me. a wonderful memory he has :) also each of the members has shown their warmness, proving that they really believe we are more like a family rather than being just "the band and the fans")
it was also nice to meet new people, like Morticia. As she said, only if we had our Greek brothers and sisters with us it could have been better. But well, the same music which has united us did it again, only this time there was a delay of some days and a distance of some kilometers, that's all :)

I also have some photos but most of them are not good quality, so I'll post a few when I elect them.
As everybody said above, the concert was great. I had many good memories; Shalomit and Kobi singing The Beloved's Cry together, Yossi pointing his tongue during the lyrics "Güller bitti dilimde", drum and percussion show; also one day before the concert meeting with the band and Morticia... I thank everyone for these great two days.