Floor material?


Lord Ejaculation
Jun 25, 2006
I am currently converting a garage room into a "home studio".

I was thinking of covering the floor with the plastic carpet just like it was, but I thought it would be easy to cover the floor with something else, because there is no equipment in the room yet.

The floor under the mat is concrete, and I read that you don't necessarily need to build a floating floor if the concrete is good. So I only need to cover the floor with something.

What would you guys suggest, laminate, plastic carpet, carpet...

The home studio is a bit "ghetto" since I don't have thousands of euros, but I am trying to make the most of what I got. So please, don't suggest flame maple or mahongany :lol:

Sorry about my crappy english, I don't really know what the materials are called in English.

Thanks in advance!
That locktite stuff? Pergo style shit?

if that was to me, not quite.

heres some pics



when doing live sound, i always try to find a wooden room verb to stick on the kit, sounds beautiful lol
Thanks guys!

A real hardwood floor would be awesome, but the price would be pretty damn high compared to laminate etc.

What about cork flooring btw?

"Acoustical Insulation And Impact Noise Resistance: Cork, with its 200 million air cells per cubic inch; of which 60% is air, essentially acts as an "air cushion", absorbing vibrations and direct impacts. This means cork is great for music rooms, recording studios, and entertainment rooms. You should consider cork for your floor, walls or ceiling if you have high ceilings and wide expanses of hard surfaces. Cork will help to muffle the sound or noise in these situations."

Sound pretty good?
Not carpet IMO. Wood or laminate is good, and cheap. Treat the ceiling on the cheap and your good to gooooooooo

Thanks guys! I think I will go with pergo since it is pretty cheap, durable and classy looking.

Tomorrow, I will go shopping!
i dunno, i've heard that the acoustic properties of pergo aren't that great...OTOH, i haven't seen any factual data to back up that assertion, so it could be total bullshit
i dunno, i've heard that the acoustic properties of pergo aren't that great...OTOH, i haven't seen any factual data to back up that assertion, so it could be total bullshit

Well, my "shopping" today was bags of filler to even out the inconsistencies in the floor, so I am still open to suggestions.

The floor will be for the room where I track drums etc.

Thanks guys for the suggestions!