Position of the cab


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
We talked about mic positions in many threads but I don't remember any about cab position.

Is it good to put it over the floor? What kind of floor? Concrete? Carpet?
or is is better to put on height over a table?

And which part of the room? In front of a wall? back to the wall? How much distance? What type of wall? Is there any rule about distances and reflections?
In general try and keep it a couple of feet from a wall and away from corners. Don't have it in the centre of the room as thats a 1/2 wavelength measurement.
De-couple it from the ground by keeping it off the floor, something nice and sturdy like some blocks will do the trick. Table is fine as long as it doesn't rattle and vibrate making noise. Getting it off the ground will help reduce early relections from the ground too.
I'd steer away from concrete- carpet or wood would be what I'd go with given the choice!
About the decoupling thing: If your cab stands on casters you don´t need any extra decoupling IMHO.
Yeah, but it's still better to elevate it from the ground to reduce early reflections, as if6was9 mentioned - also, if you've got a square room, positioning the cab at a diagonal (rather than parallel to any walls) is a good bet
could someone mock up a quick diagram of a good cab position in a square or slightly rectangular room?

Also ... the wall that it faces towards, whats good as far as surface? Some type of acoustic wall treatment or are bare sheetrock walls ok ... blanket on the wall, etc ...
This could actually make for sure interesting shoot outs. I suppose you'd have to have one of those mic stands that attach to the side of your cab so the mic position didn't change as you moved your cab to different locations, heights, etc.