"Cab in the Corner" v's "Cab in Open" (samples included)

Hey GuitarHack,

Cheers for doing that shootout. The difference in your scenario is mucchhh less exaggerated than I have had in the past. I have had some serious low-end pumping going on with cabs in a corner.

In terms of tones, the 2nd track with the added gain is much better than the first set. It's much more like I'd expect a Krank to sound like. Having said that, I still dislike Krank amps and prefer the original Mark IV (sorry Neb, there was no recto) tracks.

PS. You seem to get tons and tons of around 200 to 300Hz in that second higher-gain sample. Was that back in the closet? Sounds really boxy.
Radd, thanks, maybe I am getting somewhere. :goggly:

Neb, thanks for all your replies, they have been helpful. :)

Hey GuitarHack,

Cheers for doing that shootout. The difference in your scenario is mucchhh less exaggerated than I have had in the past. I have had some serious low-end pumping going on with cabs in a corner.

In terms of tones, the 2nd track with the added gain is much better than the first set. It's much more like I'd expect a Krank to sound like. Having said that, I still dislike Krank amps and prefer the original Mark IV (sorry Neb, there was no recto) tracks.

PS. You seem to get tons and tons of around 200 to 300Hz in that second higher-gain sample. Was that back in the closet? Sounds really boxy.

Thanks for the reply.:) When I had the cab in the corner in the past the problem was MUCH worse when I had the castors OFF the cab. With them on the difference isn't as drastic. Yeah, I agree on the sound of the lower gain samples, I was trying something new, which didn't turn out brilliantly :heh: although it sounds better in the mix once it has been treated a little (I think :goggly: ).

The higher Gain sample was indeed recorded in the corner. I did it the first day I got my X-Amp to try it out The mic was pointing at the same position on the speaker although it was about 1/2-inch away v's 1-inch away with these newer samples which probably didn't help.

Thanks again for the replies. :kickass:

Here's an update of my attempt at the Septic Ashes song (now with some OH's):

http://sneapforum.CeltiaProductions.co.uk/GuitarHack/CabInTheCornerSamples/Septic 29407-04.mp3
Pretty interesting to hear that mix with new rhythm guitars. It almost reminds me of CJ's reamp through his Fireball... just the way it sounds continuous rather than abrupt during the palm mute sections. Could be something to do with the treatment as well.

I've been meaning to reamp those guitars through a triple recto down at the studio... the trick is finding a decent cab. So many of my friends have decent amps, but hardly anyone saw fit to buy a decent quadbox haha.

The Bass was just the reamped version included in the original tracks. I just compressed it a bit. I can't take any credit for its sound.

Anyway, here's an updated mix:


I have dead ears now, so it probably sounds like :Puke: , but anyway here it is.

The guitars are still the "Sample1" as in the first post, just with some work done to them now.

Anybody? :)
It sounds like you've got the EQ on the guitars worknig for you. I'd say that the guitars might be a tad bit too high in the mix though, bass too. Either that, or the kick/ snare could just come up a little.
On a side note, I wouldn't mind hearing the Rev mixed with a JSX. Both have a great bark to them.
Thanks neb. I made the guits and bass that loud to drown out my sad drum sound (toms in particular) :heh: . I am liking what DSS3 is getting out of his JSX and am curious as to the sound difference yours gives since his has different tubes than yours. Nudge-nudge-wink-wink, *cough*, sample, *cough*.:p

dreamcatcher, glad you found it informative.

When Moonlapse returns my el-cheapo-pre I might haha. I have a few samples that I made, but nothing that's great. They're actually pretty shit when I listen back haha.
Actually, me and Moonie made a clip with his hellraiser, I might try dig that up (unless he beats me to it).
Hey man, the Hellraiser clip came out a bit shit on account of the string buzz, if you recall. I've still gotta get that sorted, but to be honest, it's pretty low on my list of priorities (Event ASP8s... how I long thee).

I'll try to get your pre back as soon as I can... it's more down to the Malice guys. We're basically done with the rhythm guitars, and the leads are about 50% done. It shouldn't be too long before I pass the torch onto Sterge to do the bass (yeah, don't look at me).

Well there's one of my JSX clips. I think it was my first or second clip, it is almost a year old. My playing has improved, my tone has improved (thanks to a guitar with better wood and pickups) and so it is not all that great.
It is, though, a decent representation of what the EL34's do to the tone.

Oh yeah, I know that the harmony is wrong :p My playing really did suck back then.
Neb, thanks for the sample. What would you say the main difference in tone would be between yours with the EL34's and DSS3's (basically, what are the different tubes characteristics)?
Well based on what we've heard, and what I've read. The El34's are more "vintage"- loose(er) lowend, a definated mid characteristic (800- 2kHz) and a pretty brittle topend.
The 6L6's seem to have either less, or a more controled lowend, a bit of a scooped midrange (which would make it easier to dial it in, in a controled way) and a smoother topend.
All in all, they don't sound VERY different, but there is a difference. In a JSX, either set of tubes will still have it sound like a JSX IMO.
All in all, they don't sound VERY different, but there is a difference. In a JSX, either set of tubes will still have it sound like a JSX IMO.

Thanks for the info. Agreed on the above.

Well I reamped the Septic tracks again with the CAB IN THE CORNER again. This time the mic was positioned between the centre and edge of the dustcap, the "between" position (same as one of my seemingly popular Impulse's) about 10mm away from the cloth. I put it in a mix and here it is. Gain was on 5, sweep was on 3, Mids were on 4, bass was on 7 and treb and pres were on 6.

Thanks Moonlapse (although nobody else seems to like it :blush: ). Regarding the Gain, it seems I have a dodgy pre tube. I have a nice hiss/sizzle (when the amp is idle) and noticeably less Gain being heard with the Gain knob in a familiar position. Looks like I will be swapping all the pre tubes to JJEC83S and JJ6L6GC in the Power section. I am curious as to the difference. Looking at the Eurotubes website, his description of the Stock tubes in the Krank are spot on. Fizzy pre harsh high, with cardboard power section. Accurate description. I am hoping his description of the JJ's is accurate:

From Eurotube Website-

"The ECC83S is great tube with a tight low end, a very natural and harmonically complex mid with VERY good definition and a sweet high end that is not brittle."

6L6GC "This tube is a work of art! And it sounds as good as it looks. The lows are deep, big and round. The mids are very harmonically rich and natural while the highs are thick, creamy and very detailed."

He may be biased being a JJ seller but the JJ's have some nice feedback from users as far as I can see.

/Ramble over :heh: