Mic'ing the Recto Cab! 5150 clip/pics


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
Finally got moved into my new house with a nice recording room and huge closet to put my cab in and mic it up!

Whatcha think?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/963137/NEW HOUSE 2 mast.mp3


They really dont do the closet justice....There is about 3 feet to the back of the cab....1 foot on each side.....and then about 3 feet behind the wall o bass trap :) Its just a PILE of ultra touch insulation all the way up the wall. lol

This sounds fucking awesome, dude! Great 5150 tone out of this! Setting/pickups/boost by any chance? Only complain is that it might be a little bit edgy in the high end but honestly I'm loving the grind, and that could easily be tamed by an lpf!

Also, loving the right-angle SM57 in the bag. :lol:

I will say there are some 'groove' issues between the guitars + drums on some of the riffs, probably just do to programming, since the gtrs are tight with eachother.
Thanks man! The boost was a TS9. Drive 9 oclock Level and Tone at 12oclock

5150-- NOT in oclocks---
Pregain 4
Low 7
Mid 3.5
High 5
Post gain 3
Res 8
Pres 7

Edwards LPC EMG 81. Cleans are 60.