Flotsam And Jetsam - Live In Japan


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Flotsam And Jetsam - Live In Japan
Crash Music - CMU 61168 - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse


See those five, slightly grainy pictures haphazardly arranged on the back of the DVD case? They're an early warning. You can deduce almost everything that you need to know about the DVD from them. For instance - that's the actual quality of the video footage. Nope, they're not just dodgily compressed JPEGs - that's what the DVD actually looks like. Also, those are pretty much the only five camera angles you'll see throughout the 40 minutes or so that the band are playing for. And, beyond some basic panning and zooming, the camerawork is pretty much static. And the editing is sloppy, missing out soloing guitarists, and failing to even approximate the rhythm of the songs.

Oh,did I mention the concert only lasts around 40 minutes? Sure, I know the back of the DVD case states a running time of 55 minutes - but that's only because of the long, long stretches of complete silence and black screen that's been left between the concert and the only extra feature on the DVD (a ludicrously low-budget and visually horrendous promo video for 'Straight To Hell') in a shameless attempt to bump up the running time to make this seem like a more justifiable purchase. Shame on you, Crash Music.

To be fair, the sound quality is decent, if not outstanding - and when you're dealing with a band as longstanding as Flotsam And Jetsam, you know the performance is going to be tight. Sadly, the band don't seem particularly energetic until 'Nothing To Say' gets an airing, and by then you're a third of the way through the paltry content of the DVD.

Sorry, but no matter how much of a fan of Flotsam And Jetsam you might be, I can't recommend this at all. It's a blatant, shoddily put together cash-grab that reeks of laziness and greed from a mile away.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Flotsam And Jetsam's Official Website
Crash Music's Official Website
Nice review here, mine was the same. Yeah, it looked like the only short moments of clear video were like a second or two in the promo video at the end, and it had like 3 minutes of just plain blackness at the end, very retarded. All the video quality was bad, and you say to be fair the sound was decent? Well I found the sound to be pretty quiet, and muddled together! None of the parts were sticking out at all, it was almost like an amature bootleg or something. HMMM Well it's good to see our reviews are on the dot! :) Peace!
Watching this DVD made me so damn sad. I was such a huge fan of the band back when I first heard them. The band plays like a beaten horse worn from years of abuse. There is zero passion coming from the stage on this DVD.
Please keep on posting such quality posts as this is a rare thing to find these days. Thanks for sharing.