FMR Audio RNP 2 channel preamp with rack mount


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
Everybody knows what the RNP is.

It's in excellent shape, I jsut don't use it anymore. It comes with a Funk Logic rack mount, which will also accomodate an RNC. (It has the dummy knobs in the RNC side.)

$350 + shipping.
got any pics of this will?

Well, it's still sitting in my rack at the moment, but I just snapped one of that.

It's the 4th one down, above the large spacer.

*looks at pic*

*looks at RNC sitting on rack shelf*

*looks at pic*

*crosses fingers & waits for work bonus & tax check*
son of a bitch...and i get my work bonus tomorrow, too

probably for the better though - the wife would've definitely cut me off for at least a week, but methinks it would have been worth it