FS: Mesa Quad Preamp and 50/50 Poweramp


Dec 30, 2006
I'm selling off my rack rig because I go to college and don't have time to use it at home. I'll sell them separately to whoever wants, and I'll also accept offers for a deal on them together.

Here's some data on the Quad. I think the guy's audio samples there suck, but he describes what it does well. The really nice thing about the Quad is that you have four different channels with a different character, and then switchable graphic EQ for each channel. You can get a lot of sounds out of it.

Channel 1 is the Mark IIC+. The rhythm channel does a fenderish sort of clean, while the lead does the classic Mark IIC+ singing lead. I can then switch on the EQ to get a more aggressive rhythm sound. Think John Petrucci, James Hetfield, Marco Sfogli, and Steve Lukather. The Master of Puppets tone is here.

Channel 2 is the Mark III, which has a more aggressive voicing, more like a Marshall. The rhythm does a mid-gain tone, good for classic rock, AC/DC sort of stuff, while the lead channel does an aggressive rhythm sound. John Sykes from Whitesnake used the Mark III extensively.

It's really versatile - although I use it in a metal context, it does a lot of genres very well. It works just as well in a fusion or classic rock context. What separates this from a lot of other amps is how versatile it is while still sounding awesome. A Line6 modeler can do a lot of things, but it doesn't really excel at any of them. The Quad sounds awesome on all of its four channels.

My Quad is in good condition. It's one of the few quads with built-in MIDI support, but when I bought it, the MIDI wasn't working. So it's basically the same as a non-MIDI quad. I control it via the switching jacks, just as you would any other Quad. If you'd like, I'll sell you the Rockman Octopus I use to control it with the Quad. Also, I recently replaced the filter caps in the Quad, which lowered the noise floor a bit.

The 50/50 works very well with the Quad. I spoke to Mike B. at Mesa/Boogie. He told me that the Quad circuit is in fact based on the Mark IIC+ circuit and not the Mark II. He also told me that the 50/50 and the Mark IV power sections would be the best power amps to pair with the Quad for a really authentic IIC+ sound.

The 50/50's in good shape. The rack ears are a little bent but they still mount to the rack just fine, and it's not really visible when it's mounted. Tubes are JJ 6L6es, with not many hours on them, because I don't get to use my rig much.

If you live near the tristate area, we can arrange for local pickup or delivery and you can save on shipping.

Quad - $700 or best offer + shipping
50/50 - $450 or best offer + shipping

If you think these prices are unreasonable (which, judging by recent ebay listings, they are not), feel free to offer an amount you think is more reasonable. You can post here, or email me at schnarf-at-optonline-dot-net.

Here are pictures of the Quad: http://s233.photobucket.com/albums/ee116/schnarf88/Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp/

Here's the 50/50: http://s233.photobucket.com/albums/ee116/schnarf88/Mesa Boogie 50-50 Poweramp/
Man why didnt you post this last week. I would have gotten the 50/50. But unfortunately i am now broke...