"Focus Shift" Video

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
If ye go here, you'll see DT's new video of "Foucs Shift" :) .


I'm not sure if I like this video... . Well i obviously like it :rolleyes: , but I dislike the fact that the images are always changing on most of the video, I hate when that happens, I always like the image to be still (at least for a few seconds) so that I can "admire" and observe the person that id being foucused.

Hey now I get it! "Focus Shift"!!! :lol: Haha so now I guess that's why the images change so quickly, becuase the "focus" is "shifted"!

Anyway, the video is nice, I liked that we can see all the members, I can finally see Martin B. headbanging again! :headbang:


I really think it's annoying to see the same kind of video all the time. I love to see the perform, but a story line is always interesting. Not original at all, though the takes are quite interesting...
That's why they call it "video" :p

o_O really? haha yeah I know ye 'clown' but still hehe :p .

KitKat said:
I really think it's annoying to see the same kind of video all the time. I love to see the perform, but a story line is always interesting. Not original at all, though the takes are quite interesting...

Yeah I agreem the video is good but it'd be cool to haver a story :) . There will be another one of "misery..." (forgot the name), I'm sure we'll like that one more :kickass: .
well, nice but nothing extraordinary beside the focus shift thing which is really cool.
Lost to Apathy and New Build-video are much better.
but what can we expect these days from any metalband in their videos?
seeing the bands play. and thats what they do
I didnt expect much from Focus Shift video. But i expect a lot from Misery's Crown one.

+1 for Hedon video which is the best so far in my opinion :)
This video is so ordinary it hurts. I dont know if the band had any say in this, but I think that they mustve had control over the visuals at least (if not over the choice of the song). But then the budget comes to mind etc etc - Im happy with the music, the rest is not so important after all.
Yeah, it seems they wanted to maintain LTA's video style, but LTA is so much better :erk: .

Yeah, I expect a lot from Misery's Crown too, it might well be DT's greates video :kickass: .

They said sometihng about that video in the interview in Spanish, I think thah they already took some shots and that they plan to release it as soon as possible :) .

@Marduk: Do ye think DT nowadays have budget problems? I'm not so sure about that.
I think the new video is pretty nice, I especially like the part when Mikael says "I let my focus shift" and the camera goes slightly fuzzy. I think that was pretty cool idea. But alas, Hedon is still my favourite video as well, followed by Lost To Apathy, and finally Therein, which I like a lot, despite it's experimental approach.
I must say I really like this new video, even though I'm not terribly fond of Focus Shift as a song (except for the great solos). The video is simple, yet effective and portrays the band well. The editing is flawless and the "shifting focus" trick works surprisingly well. I don't get what people are complaining here.

Of all the DT videos, I think the one for Monochromatic Stains is the best, even though I remember criticising it quite a bit back in 2002. Its uniqueness makes it refreshing to see every once in a while even five years after it was made.

I know videos are videos and bands aren't actually playing... but it'd be a lot better imo if Mikael had a microphone. It's kinda like if the rest of the band were air-guitaring. Other than that it kicks ass, I like vids that focus on the band rather than some montage of images