FocusRite Saffire Pro USB 6 won't record...HELP


Apr 7, 2006
Hey guys-

I bought a Saffire USB 6 from a recommendation on this board...needless to say I've been completely disappointed with the thing. It has no life and I thought it being USB would work out but it seriously isn't.

Anyways, now the thing won't record. I have it selected as my ASIO driver yet I get no input from my SM7B.

I've been troubleshooting for the last hour or two but I can't figure out why no sound is being recorded from my mic. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, anyone have any good cheap preamp recommendations? I'm not a vocalist so I don't need an expensive preamp, but I like to throw down my ideas with some decent quality.

Is there anything I should look at? Really at a loss for how to record vocals...
make sure Cubase is set to use your AISO driver and it sees the Interface. if not you have to set the correct drivers in your audio setup options. I am not 100% familiar with Cubase so I am not the best person to use for this ....

Also did you install Saffire Mix control? YOU MUST have this installed for it to work.