Focusrite Saffire 6 vs Roland Quad Capture


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2011
Hey guys, I need your help and opinions. I'm going to buy an Audio Interface for recording only 1 guitar (acoustic or electric) or 1 microphone, maybe at the same time. So I need just few inputs. I'm going to record the electric guitar in two ways, direct input (with impulses, etc.) or miked cab (with a sm57), and for the acoustic guitar I use a condenser mic. After hours spent trying to find the Audio Interface that best suited my needs (and a limited budget), I came to these results:
- Focusrite Saffire 6
- Roland Quad Capture

Can you give me your opinions and feedback about these interfaces? Thank you ;)

EDIT: Can you please me explain the difference between USB 1.1 and USB 2.0? 'Cause Focusrite is 1.1 and Roland is 2.0
You can`t go wrong with the Roland Quad capture. I compared to my RME fireface FF400 and the DI imput and the mic pres on Quad capture are better in my opinion. Drivers where stable in Windows 7, and the Latency was wery good to. It has only 2 analog inputs the other 2 are digital inputs. The sound quality it`s impressive, at least i can`t hear significant difference betweet the ua 55 and ff400 on my HS 80 `s. My only complain to the UA 55 is that the headphone amp it`s not loud enough. Sometimes i have to turn it all the way up.
Had no experienxe with the Focusrite unit, but a lot of people like it on this forum.
What about M-Audio Fast Track PRO? A friend of mine just suggested it. I saw in details that the "Maximum Input Level: From +22dBV @ min gain, pad on to -42dBV @ max gain no pad" is far better than saffire and roland.. but maybe it's not important? Tell me..
I love my quad-capture. So far not a single problem with it. The drivers are rock solid and the sound is excellent. Also it looks great on my computer desk!
Thank you, I think I'm going with the Roland Quad Capture. My local music store also suggested it. Thank you all!
The Quad Capture has a 15 kOhm TRS input impedance .. the Fast Track Pro has 1 MOhm .. This could have an audiable affect on the DI's, Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't find any values on the Quad Capture that is higher than 15k
Okay, I couldn't find any more details on the Hi-Z input.. If that's correct I'm definately gonna buy one to go with my laptop
I'm going for it too and it's on it's way in the mail, the quad capture.. Let's hope it's worth it :P