Foggy Chocolate Beef DI's

thanks a lot! :)
any chance to get the drums rendered to individual tracks? you know, for the guys without midi-drum-stuff... ;)

My internet is awful so I've had to keep it to a minimum as far as upload file-size... I can do a drum stem... or maybe I can do a kick, snare and tom/oh type of thing...
gave it a quick go.. didnt reamp all the part because the stand has moved and sound changed.. i think i have to readjust the amp settings to sound bigger and better..

i think the DI's were too hot, they were clipping and very loud.

here it is with raw guitars with no processing except HPF, basic master chain on masterbuss and thats it.

what do you think?

Last edited by a moderator: Chocolate beef.mp3

My mix. Didn't take too long. Those guitars are sick man. It took only a couple minutes to squeeze a killer tone out of them. Guitars are LeCto and X30 through the Sperimental Framus impulse. Leads are a Marshall sim and Lextac. Bass is two tracks, one clean and one ran through the TSE 808. Drums are some godawful combination of Addictive Drums, Andy Sneap samples, and Slate samples. Izotope Ozone 4 and FabFilter Pro-L on the master-buss.
Sorry about not specifying the tempo; I know most DAW's import the tempo and time data when you import the midi file. It is 185 though. I also didn't really intend for a reamping competition either but if it's worthy of it- then awesome..haha! These all sound sweet. Oh, someone should shred over it and send me the DI.
Just a P.O.S. Mbox mini... That's why the DI's are too hot... I didn't have my fireface or audient on me and I just wanted to track some nonsense.. I used a fernandes monterey deluxe with EMG-81 and a fernandes Tremor 4....