Foggy Chocolate Beef DI's

I hate it because the inputs are way too hot so I either have to run my D.I. into the preamp or just roll back the volume on the guitars which in turn makes the tone sound like charcoal-filtered shit.
Thanks for the DI outloaf, they sound great even though they're pretty hot and cool riffage btw!
Can you tell us what was used in your mix? I really dig your tone!

So here's my take on it...
No serious drum or bass mixing, just looking for a cool guitar tone

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Here's my attempt. Beefness.mp3

I was focused on getting the guitars and the bass to sit together, so I didn't mess with the drums.

Info if anyone cares:

Drums: Superior Drummer with Joe Barressi add on (Stock Kit)

Bass: Lo-Passed/Highly compressed DI track and a distorted track with Ignite Audio's TS999 with aggressive settings into TSE B.O.D half wet.

Guitars: Ignite Audio TS999 no drive into TSE X40 on 5150 settings into LeCab with a God's Cab SM57 Impulse.
Anyone want to use these for reamp testing and whatnot? I was bored today and decided to do some goofy riffage.

P.S. If this shouldn't be on the main forum; I'll delete it and re-post elsewhere. Chocolate beef DI's and

I posted a mix here and it seems to have disappeared. Probably because of this....?

SERVER TWEAK - Please notify us if you notice anything wacky...

Or maybe the mix sucked so bad it had to be deleted? Anyway here it is again.

Thank you for the DI's. I had fun with them.

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@Outloaf - I think you may be able to tame those hot DI's.

To use a guitar with Mbox Mini:

1. On the back of the Mbox Mini, plug your guitar cable into one of the DI inputs (in this example,input 2).
2. On the back panel, make sure the Line/DI switch is in the “in” position.
3. On the front of the Mbox Mini, turn the Mix control fully left to Input.
4. On the front of the Mbox Mini, carefully turn the input’s Gain control to the right to increase the input level of your guitar.
5. If the incoming signal is too loud, pull the Gain knob out to engage the –20 dB pad.

Line/DI (Input 2)
Input 2 provides a Line/DI input connector. The input is selectable with the back panel Line/DI switch (located to the upper-left of the input).

I think it needs to be on line.
snare is metal machine the black beauty model, kick is some unamed sample I downloaded somewhere and everything else is metal foundry