Foi um show do caralho!



Num manjo falar Engrish! entaum vai em português pq é mais brasileiro q ta entrando aki mesmo!

kra o show foi dos infernos, melhor show da vida, naum teve pra nenhum show ja efetuado no Brasil, pelo menos na minha opinião, e ai no sabado eles tocaram We disintegrate tb, q naum esta no set list da mensagem anterior, q por um acaso foi muito loka!!!
Ahhh!! He's halucinating!! HE'S FROTHING AT THE MOUTH!! HE CAN'T SPEAK PROPERLY!! HE'S BEEN RENDERED UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE BY HIS DEADLY CONTRACTION OF THE 'i speak like an italian monkey with a hungarian accent, all the while being spun around in never ending *yawn* darkness' DISEASE!!! AHHHHH!!!

Or maybe he's just spanish or something??
In the words of the great T.V. character Hank Hill from the show "King Of the Hill," WHAT THE HELL? Can we all agree to mainly use English on this Board. Anyway, it looks like Spanish or Portuguese.


Aait iishaahn see'iroh. Taii naaifrohcu taiit see'iroh haai!! Foort saii, no paaitan fohr 'knepscala' est eiin for haanno iie no ssee, ssee isn fohr aait no 'isshahan doii no saii' noteii.
stamato mazi oloi arthro diaforetikos glossas theos katadikazo esy!


Now for German:

Stoppen Sie mit allen unterschiedlichen Sprachen, Gottfluch Sie!

and French:

Arrêtez avec tous les différents langages, rien de Dieu vous!

and Italian:

Arrestisi con tutti i linguaggi differenti, maledizione del dio voi!

Uh...Ich bin CT Thrash und komme aus Texas. Ja, Ich bin gut!
I'm think all you guys don't know how to do it! I'll show you!!!

Seus babacas parem de zuar com o cara se não a casa vai cair pro lado de vocês, ses pederastas! E se mais alguem responder este tópico a mãe ta na zona!

See? Thats fucking easy!!!
oh, okay, i thought he said:

Nolordy Capone blows my goat and eats Carl's Junior...

...but i could have been mistaken...
Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
stamato mazi oloi arthro diaforetikos glossas theos katadikazo esy!

and French:

Arrêtez avec tous les différents langages, rien de Dieu vous!


arrêtez avec tous les langues différents,nom de dieu!

wel ?krijg ik nu een bordje fruitsalade van u?:loco:
The guy is brazilian and he don't know speak english and he try to put comments about Nevermore Brazilian tour anyway! And he says that was an evil show, the best of his whole life, and bla bla blá!!
Here is the Mistery of Weird Language Trhead!

I am still heeeere!!! I just have much to do these days, but I keep in touch. (Thanks for not forgeting!) Funny this forum ;)
Did NoLordy Capone translate from a lexicon? It ain't easy right?
Cool to see so many people from so many countries! But guys, I don't understand a fucking word! Write a translation of what you say in your language. :cool: