Fonts of Bodom


Coz to loz all...PERKELE!
Feb 1, 2007
Hi there, I'm planning a cool Tattoo, but... I need to know what are both the fonts for:

- Children of Bodom logo
- COBHC logo.

More interested on the second one (the word of the top part of this forum, their new shirts, etc...)

Hi there, I'm planning a cool Tattoo, but... I need to know what are both the fonts for:

- Children of Bodom logo
- COBHC logo.

More interested on the second one (the word of the top part of this forum, their new shirts, etc...)


Omg, are you serious about it???
It's for to design a t-shirt or hoodie tattoo/logo. I'm tired of to not find the "S" size of the ones I like, and "be forced" to wear mastodontic shirts as a NY rapper.

Anyway, I think that a tattoo is a mark made cause you really identify with it, and many people hears a band cause they really identify with it or with his sound...or members. The problem is if the band changes or breaks on early or distant future... but the mark reminds the band on the moment it was made. Its just my point of view.

And plus... I guess that a tattoo with "COBHC" would look nice a lot on the shoulder... as "SPQR" for the roman army. If something bad happens tomorrow... just pick up a stone and scratch it...:D

:Smokin: See ya.
I saw two guys at the shows I went to in December with COBHC tattoos over their hearts. One dude had Spacesuite front, the other had Civitype... they both looked pretty cool tbh, but I wouldn't get a tattoo of anything cuz everyone has tattoos and yeh, it's mostly random kids and emos who think they're really cool around here so I just despise it.
Heartless_Name, obviously I can't disagree with you. Tattoss had become a "phase" on a lot of guys life, cause be tattooed is like you say "cool". Almost every pretty "guy of the movie" is tattooed... well, like sexyest models (we are not gonna left the girls out of this... :heh: ) but there is the difference between morons and people with personality.

They will sooner or later be repented, cause probably on future be tattooed will be as be a moron (something like it's hapening now...). Or they will like to change the design they made on their skin. That is the diference. Someones carry forever the mark they want to wear, cause they feel it, and they have thank 2 times before doing it (real tattoo is forever, not that shit that keeps for 4 years and dissapears...). Thats why you must be 18 years older, to do it. You have officially, the capacity to think. (Regardless someones afford it...)

They other way to not make a tattoo (and expect you are not one of them), is the other phase since a few years: "Be true". (...). I think those are worst than groupies and all that shit... Life is enjoyment, not to be more serious than others, to look like upon them, or, to "stay true".

I'm a metal guy, and like that cause I've allways liked this music, and known that a metal guy is a cool guy at his way. Dont fuck that shit just for a stupid reason as to look only as hard and badass. Metal guys are cool too.

By last, I wanna tell I'm only giving my opinion (regardless probably the big part of you will not care about it). So... Tattoo? It's perfect, if you know what you are doing.

:Smokin: See ya.
Also, most people could want tatoos cuz it symbolizes a point in their life or if it means something special to them. It's not only to look cool or whatever.
I was thinking about the COBHC tattoo logo too... I'm still not too sure, but I'm going to get it small enough, that if I change my mind (which is doubtful), I can just go over it, but big enough to see.