Food At The Show?


New Metal Member
Feb 7, 2002
Lilburn, Georgia
Visit site
Any chance of having additional food vendors at/around the show this year? Is it possible to have Vinyl add extra staff for the two nights, just to cover the people who may want to eat? Even some guy with a hotdog cart would make a killing. Any thoughts?
They will be a hell of a lot better prepared this year. They had no idea how it would go over since it had just opened up and were use to regular shows.

Glenn H.
Fooddddddd, will they be selling the usual hotdog/hamburgers or will there be gourmet delicacies to go with the gourmet music? ;) (Kiddin) Always nice to know that there will be food readily available....a girl does get hungry from time to time!
The food was awesome but very slow. On the positive note, if they would have been quick I would have missed Andy Kuntz who I ran into while waiting forever for the food.