Footage of MANILLA ROAD from Greece this week

any band playing greece gets this reaction pretty much. plus Manilla Road are Gods there.

And it's well deserved!!!!!!
This is the type of response Omen better get during "Battle Cry"

Bobby - remember my reaction when Gamma Ray kicked into Ride The Sky?
That's what we gotta show these bands at Ragnarokkr.
Yeah, well, let's be honest. No one was exactly "raging" during Brocas Helm.
We all just watched and bobbed our heads a bit.
That's the one thing i would like to see, are the fans getting into it a bit more.

The closest to any raging seen at Ragnarokkr was Helstar, aside from when Ghost In The Ruins kicked into The Wake of Magellan.
The closest to any raging seen at Ragnarokkr was Helstar, aside from when Ghost In The Ruins kicked into The Wake of Magellan.

hahahahah yeah the 4 people up front went nuts for that.

I think venue / stage style always effects a crowd response. I think there are bands who can handle a large stage with baracade in front and bands who are better on a smaller stage with people right there up front. This is what made the first Ragnarokkr great. You were right there with the bands.
While the second year you were so far from the bands which made it harder to really get into it sometimes. Some of the best shows have been in smaller places just because the crazy fun factor makes it better.
We went fucking nuts over Manilla Road in Calgary three weeks ago, it was INSANE, one of the best gigs I ever saw!

Also, when Blind Guardian played Edmonton for the first time two years ago it was an absolute madhouse. People were chanting for "Majesty" right from the get go and people were stomping so hard that the stage was shaking and the band was looking nervous. Then they actually played "Majesty" and the place exploded, I'm surprised I made it out alive.

Would love to see some Greek fests someday!