for all Bush & Blair lovers..

spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
@AFI why wouldnt I ! I hate these hippy wankers who just want saddam to kill more people in mass graves FUCK THEM. War is horrible but needed
And how much people has George W. Bush actually killed? War is a terrible crime against reason, every fucking person should realise that fact. I am not a hippie wanker, I don't like Bush and I fucking hate Saddam. I hate Bush again. I think that nobody (not even me) can decide for a nation or for a country, and I am not against Bush in particular, I blame EVERY president/king/minister/etc. If one person has a problem with another, they should work it out themselves, and they don't have to involve civil population. Saddam has killed miles of people, yes, and I don't think that is the right way to rule a country, but I don't think that killing people of ANOTHER country is the right way.

And that is just the beggining. He (Bush) justified the conflict with an excuse, the biologychal (or how the fuck they are spelled) weapons. Weapons that are not found yet, and they won't be found, because they don't exist. And if they existed, it would be because the USA sold them to Irak. Good strategy... we sell weaponry to a country and ten years later we accuse them for having them and we attack their country. Bomb yourself! But you can't expect more from a person who said "the solution to avoid the forest fires is cutting the trees". Then... to avoid Saddam killing his people is it necessary to kill the people?

And there's more, the Irak Invasion was planned before 11-S. It was confirmed by many ex-ministers who used to work with Bush in the past. You see that the reason of attacking Irak was not the weapons :)

Has anybody seen Chaplin's "The Great Dictator"? Here's the speech he does in that film, Wise words, by the way.
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I agree with AFI.
Didn't the war have something to do with weapons of mass destruction? Any clue where they are? Are slingshots considered weapons of mass destruction?
Maybe it had something to do with not letting the inspectors in? It is a fact that the country with more weapons of mass destructin is USA. Should the rest of countries send inspectors there and maybe declare war?
There are many dictators in the world, and many countries with nuclear bombs (India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel), but the US doesn't give a fuck about most of them, but hey, Irak has oil, after all.
Im with AFI all the way. Saddam ruled Iraq for over 25 years but just now they have the glorious idea to get rid of him. Why didnt they do that 10 years ago when they had the opportunity? This war wasnt about Saddam or Iraq or any weapons of mass distruction. I think it was meant to show the world that the US claim the position as the Nation who looks after justice and peace in the world and that they dont about what anyone else says, be it the UN, Europe or anyone else. This war was a political and economical decision, for both Bush who wants to be re-elected and for the industry who paid his campaign and then wanted to have access to the oil-fields of Iraq.

If Spellbound truly believes what he said there, he's even more of a moron than I already thought he was.. and that was quite bad already
Northern Viking, I think that you should not offend anyone by his political ideas. It's like blaming someone by his religion (bad example... bah, never mind, you understood what I wanted to say!). No matter if he deserves it or not, I think that everyone should be polite when discussing.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
nah, it's just a legend to scare little nazi children :lol: :p

aeuheauhauh j/k
i think there was a story about an african prince that had to turn into judaism to marry a woman, so he made his whole people turn jewish too...
that was a long time ago, but they still exist (if i'm not mistaken)
Tut Ankh Amon said:
unless you're a nazi or other kind of extremist :p
That's exactly the point. Bush was right when he said that with Sadam gone, the world would be a safer place.. in theory. In reality, the war on Iraq turned a whole country into chaos and probably made an entire generation willing to give their lives in order to fight off the american invaders. Besides, they could have rid Iraq off Sadam 10 years ago if they had wanted to, so it's totally pointless to say that all they wanted was to free Iraq. The war was a crime, breaking the international law by striking without clearance from the UN, and breaking the Genevian Convention.
And it's not just that, but the entire Propaganda machinery supporting the war practically doesnt even have to deal with such things as critical voices. Opposing the President will label you a traitor... In fact, I think that the beliefs and aims of american politics arent so different from what the Nazis did. The Nazis did it for their white pride, the Americans do it for money and their american pride.
Im sorry, but I personally dont tolerate any praise about that.
i'd swear i had answered here again :guh:
actually i wrote the reply but the board was buggy, i dunno :p

anyway, here we go again (in a shorter version)

@nv:i totally agree about bush man, but some people aren't extremists and thought that the iraq war was a good thing, they just thought the reasons that their presidents presented were all that there was to it.