For anyone who thought power metal couldn't be offensive...(perhaps old)

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO

Two-man band from New York; singer sounds a bit like Tim Owens. Fitting that he has a mullet and goofy mustache you will see.

I would tell you to enjoy, however it's a quagmire, as the music itself is quite catchy, however the politics behind the lyrics are certainly offensive. Has everyone seen this already?

Two-man band from New York; singer sounds a bit like Tim Owens. Fitting that he has a mullet and goofy mustache you will see.

I would tell you to enjoy, however it's a quagmire, as the music itself is quite catchy, however the politics behind the lyrics are certainly offensive. Has everyone seen this already?
I haven't seen that before. That was so racist and stupid, it was sad.:( There's a few minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
You know, I ain't exactly a saint free from prejudice and discrimination. I'm known to throw vulgarities around, even letting loose a derogatory term or two. But damnit, this kind of shit makes me want to go to prison for a worthy cause. Killing skinhead shits like this would be a worthy cause.

If you're so fucked in the head as to live your life in pure hatred like this, in this day and age? Then you really don't deserve to be using my oxygen.
You know, I ain't exactly a saint free from prejudice and discrimination. I'm known to throw vulgarities around, even letting loose a derogatory term or two. But damnit, this kind of shit makes me want to go to prison for a worthy cause. Killing skinhead shits like this would be a worthy cause.

You'd be a busy person in prison too, that shit is all over the place! (now before you go starting rumors...I WORK there, never LIVED there!:rolleyes: )
What a shame......musically its simple but I like the guitarists licks.

Singer sounds A LOT like Steve Grimmet (Lionsheart, Grim Reaper, Onslaught).

All for free speech but thats pretty pathetic.
Whoah, a WHITE POWER METAL BAND? Now I've seen everything.

Unfortunately, this type of crap does exist. They have basically captured ever musically outlet. They are based now in Religious, country, rap (yes even rap), punk (of course) and metal. Completely sad and stupid. They are a disgrace to the word music.:mad:
That slider on the mixing board labeled "white power" was too much, are these guys fucking serious?
I know that and the other stupid stuff made me wonder if it was all a joke for a sec. But, they weren't kidding. Cheesy racist idiots! :yell:

Unfortunately, this type of crap does exist. They have basically captured ever musically outlet. They are based now in Religious, country, rap (yes even rap), punk (of course) and metal. Completely sad and stupid. They are a disgrace to the word music.:mad:
Racist Rap!?! Now I've heard it all!!! What's next!?! Racist Reggae!?!
If there could be racist rap, it would have to be Black Power rap. I don't want to think too far into this, but wouldn't it be counterintuitive to the "White Power" cause to use a black form of music in protest? I don't want to even think of a funny analogy for this.
If there could be racist rap, it would have to be Black Power rap. I don't want to think too far into this, but wouldn't it be counterintuitive to the "White Power" cause to use a black form of music in protest? I don't want to even think of a funny analogy for this.
I agree that wouldn't make sense for there to be white racist rap. But then again, no racist music makes sense.
If there could be racist rap, it would have to be Black Power rap. I don't want to think too far into this, but wouldn't it be counterintuitive to the "White Power" cause to use a black form of music in protest? I don't want to even think of a funny analogy for this.

You would think, right? But you have to remember that Rap even though it started out as a black form of music is a big cross over form of music that has crossed all multicultural lines which appeals to everyone and is found all over the world.

They hate so they are going to go after any means necessary to put the word out.
You would think, right? But you have to remember that Rap even though it started out as a black form of music is a big cross over form of music that has crossed all multicultural lines which appeals to everyone and is found all over the world.

They hate so they are going to go after any means necessary to put the word out.
That also makes sense.
Is it my imagination or is the guy trying really hard to sound like Dio? What a shame people feel it necessary to spread a message of hate. Nice mullet dude :erk: