For Ariel Dgeypscun


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
Found this youtube video there and it tugged on the ol heart strings. :'(

Yeah, Ariel's gone viral.

I keep wondering though, how much could this trip possibly cost? 2-300$? 500$? Are they talking 12 people or what? Can't Dad do his daughter a solid and just make it happen for a couple hundred? I don't want to sound like an asshole but can't they pawn some jewelry or something?

If I was dad, I'd sell the fucking house, get a loan. Shit, I would steal it! Anything to make that happen for her. I guess asking people counts too but like the man said, time is short.

I don't know, I guess I just don't understand why she isn't there yet. (nor do I really know their situation)

I'll give something.

I guess its cause hes got his whole family to look after not just Ariel. He's gotta make sure he can still keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

A trip like that is expensive and most people have to prepare and save for a year or two before they go. He could be selling jewelry and stuff at the same time, But even then when I think about it I could sell everything in my house and still not have enough for a trip like that and to still afford food/rent ect...