For current and prospective keyboardists


Jun 24, 2007
Kent, UK

I'm a piano and keyboard teacher from the UK. I'm currently writing a series of keyboard books aimed at the beginner player through to advanced but within a metal context.

I was wondering if there are anyone interested in this? Testing the water so-to speak.

Here is some info about the first book:

''Heavy Metal Keyboard Stage One' Introduces concepts for the novice keyboard player within a contemporary metal context.
Learn music theory applicable to the real world such as sight-reading and chords, keyboard technique, music technology, interviews from respected players, and metal pieces by well known keyboard orientated bands, which include: Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Power Quest, Children of Bodom, Dragonforce, Cradle of filth, Dimmu Borgir, Stratovarius etc... Book includes sheet music of all pieces and CD with backing tracks.'

Sounds interesting to me!:) especially because it seems Janne has been too busy to make the instructional DVD which he was talking about a few years ago.

I would really appreciate sheet music & CD (of course with their permission:)) and I hope you can also include Warmen tunes especially on their first two albums (Unknown Soldier & Beyond Abilities)!!!

I hope I'm not the only one who's interested here.
That sounds very cool. Especially the "music technology" part, because playing keyboard has got to be much much different that playing the piano. At least to a level where you'd want to play in a band. I really hope you follow through with this and make it available to everyone. And maybe somewhere down the line you can get well known players to be guest instructors... Who knows.
Thanks for the interest.
If I can't get rights to use band music I will have to compose riffs and solos in the style of them.
sounds like a brilliant idea, i really dont see a reason why it wouldn't take off.
all the best with it.
Sounds great, I've actually been on the lookout for metal keyboard info and tutorials like this,there's definately a market in need of exploiting here methinks,definately go for it! :)
I'd definately buy it!!!
I've tried the paino so many times when i was a kid and just lost interest and switched to guitar so I could play the music I like.
To sum it up if you made it I'd buy it (and start playing the keyboard)!!!
wow man thats the thing ive been searching for! i play piano/keyboard for around 10 years now, although its hard for me to find out how to sound really "metal"... a practical guide like yours is something that i think many people are waiting for... not that stupid "start playing the pop piano right now and sound like a faggot!" shit but some kind of introduction into playing keyboard espacially for metal

when your guide is finished feel free to e-mail me:

(sorry for my english, hope u understand it :D)

I second the email idea
(at) = @ so I dont get spamz