for dan

fat bastard

Nov 19, 2004
hey dan, after always hearing about the quality of your work ive finally been able to come across some of the edge of sanity and nightingale albums and found myself totally impressed with your vocal stylings. i found your death style vocals to be some of the best ever but i kind of found the impression from here and there that you shy away or dont really enjoy doing them anymore and i was kind of curious as to what led you away from doing them. i myself have taken a few singing lessons over the last couple months to improve my natural voice but i would definetly like to practice more extreme stylings as well but i'm not to sure if that will affect my ability to consistently practice with cleaner styles. did you find the death vocals to be to hard on your voice and do you think its worthwhile to practice both? i would love to have the variety but without the pain and risk of injury. :D
Well, I'm not Dan (and no where near as good as him), but I do growl for a band (for about the past 4 months) and I do it pretty intense and atleast 3 times a week (for like 3+ hours at a time) and I gotta say at first it does mess your throat up a bit, until you develop a style/learn your limits. I can say now that after only 4 months or so, I can now go for hours on end and it doesn't have any effect on my voice. Dunno if that is what you are looking for.... but... yeah.