Interested to hear which individual drums i.e. kicks, snares, rides etc you guys favour for metal. Perhaps how you shape your sound e.g. you like a certain snare and apply so and so compression. Which ones tickle your sound feelers?
Ive become quite a big fan of the Ayotte Snare and the DW kick drum. The toms, im constantly changing between premier and sonor. Then cymbals its usually the istanbul ride, and sabian crashes and china's ( brilliant series ). However with the latest patch, my preference my change.
DW Kick but 90% replaced, Pearl 3 snare, 50% replaced, Sonor toms (only kit with 5 full toms otherwise, the Pearl sound best to me).
Not sure the exact cymbals, but from left to right, it's china, crash, darker crash, crash, china, crash, and I've got a Powerbell ride on each side, with the first hats in the list on the left.
I also take the kick entirely out of the OH/AMB mic's, as well as lower the snare level in the OH.