for Dutchy, as mentalmeltdown stated we loved each other...


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
...this Friday, there was one Dutch group playing in Prague, bet you know which one. Unfortunately, you were a bit right about Anneke...that always happens when chicks get married, you know!:Smug: I spent this weekend in Switzerland and as I was told that Swiss beer was crap I didn´t taste it and got hooked upon Heinekens! For the first time I guess and I clearly state THIS BEER KICKS ASS! Coming from the beer country, I know what I´m talking about!:hotjump:
Guess I´m gonna take a look to Holland this summer!
So when's your first kid due Johnny & Dutchy??? How will you name him/her?
Ruud Jagr?? Boudewijn Nedved?? Milan Van Der Huysen?? Anita Hug?? Your guess is as good as mine!

You see, us Europeans need to stick together 'cause: "EUROPE LEADS THE WAY!". Oh yes. I should mention that I've been a Canadian for only 9 years now. Prior to that I was a Croatian. Yes, Croatian. We had Yugo's, remember? The crapomobiles? Why yes, we used to call them that!
I'm drunk, but not on Heineken, on Labatt Blue baby!
johnnieCzech said:
...this Friday, there was one Dutch group playing in Prague, bet you know which one. Unfortunately, you were a bit right about Anneke...that always happens when chicks get married, you know!:Smug: I spent this weekend in Switzerland and as I was told that Swiss beer was crap I didn´t taste it and got hooked upon Heinekens! For the first time I guess and I clearly state THIS BEER KICKS ASS! Coming from the beer country, I know what I´m talking about!:hotjump:
Guess I´m gonna take a look to Holland this summer!
I think i'm gonna buy you a Heineken tatoo for a wedding present!!!:loco:
mentalmeltdown said:
So when's your first kid due Johnny & Dutchy??? How will you name him/her?
Ruud Jagr?? Boudewijn Nedved?? Milan Van Der Huysen?? Anita Hug?? Your guess is as good as mine!

You see, us Europeans need to stick together 'cause: "EUROPE LEADS THE WAY!". Oh yes. I should mention that I've been a Canadian for only 9 years now. Prior to that I was a Croatian. Yes, Croatian. We had Yugo's, remember? The crapomobiles? Why yes, we used to call them that!
I'm drunk, but not on Heineken, on Labatt Blue baby!
we are still saving to get Johnnie a pussy. pretty expensive shit you know!!!
Labat Blue Light was my #1 choice when I visited Canada in 2001, damn , I even got me a Blue Light basaball cap!!!
btw, nice mixture with the names!!!:D
Damn it!!!
Got a great story, yesterday I had a meeting for work and I met this beautifull co-worker who looked like just like Anneke but 10 times better, devilish red hair, ice blue eyes and buttermilk skin, she was hot!!!!! we talked for a while about the Gathering and how she reminds me of Anneke, too bad she has a boyfriend and lives 400 kilometers away or else she was mine!!!!!!

btw I'm gonna work on that link!!!
I've seen alot off A pics lately , but damn she's ugly these days!!!
dutchy said:
Damn it!!!
Got a great story, yesterday I had a meeting for work and I met this beautifull co-worker who looked like just like Anneke but 10 times better, devilish red hair, ice blue eyes and buttermilk skin, she was hot!!!!! we talked for a while about the Gathering and how she reminds me of Anneke, too bad she has a boyfriend and lives 400 kilometers away or else she was mine!!!!!!

btw I'm gonna work on that link!!!
I've seen alot off A pics lately , but damn she's ugly these days!!!
Is boyfriend a problem? Tell that to my exslut.