For Ellestin and Spaffe:


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Triarii - Pièce Héroique


limited edition of 999 copies

normal edition of 888 copies in jewelcase
special edition of 111 copies in silver embossed cardboard cover (white linen) include inserts

including special appearance of
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio

mastered by In Slaughter Natives

out in may 2006 on Eternal Soul

Samples on the website. Absolutely :OMG:
lolz at the new Møøsatar.

Yeah I'm going to buy this album, those samples are really fucking good. The vocals... wow.
Bleh, I'm at an internet cafe without any headphones... I need to hear this! :cry: Thanks for posting about it though, I've no doubts this will be spectacular. Perhaps I should order it straight away and have a nice little packing wating for me at home when I get back home.

Damn, I seriously miss metal/good music, I've not been able to listen to any music of my own choice for almost three months now. The song I hear most over here is that godawful rap/rNb track, you know "mah hump, mah hump mah hump my hump, my love lady lump" :zombie:
MajestikMøøse said:
Woohoo, we have a release date now!

Release-date: VIII-V-MMVI

I'll be waiting in line to order this bastard.
Roman numerals?! They never even TRIED to teach us those in school!

Where can I order this from? This shit is borderline mindblowing and I don't want to miss out on it.