For Ellestin and Spaffe:

Oh christ, I can't read this!

Møøse you know this shit pretty well, could you let me know if/when a US distro picks it up? Or will that even happen?
NADatar said:
Oh christ, I can't read this!

Møøse you know this shit pretty well, could you let me know if/when a US distro picks it up? Or will that even happen?

It'll probably happen soon.

Ominous Drone is pretty good for picking up this sort of stuff. They had the last Triarii album in for awhile, and it was limited to only 500 copies.

I'll email them about it though and make sure.
MajestikMøøse said:
Both of the Triarii albums can be gotten here ( in the US, but they have no paypal option (a problem for me). However some of you dudes with credit cards should have no problem with this.

I give both of Triarii's albums the highest recommendation (10/10 buy or die material)
I don't see it listed anymore. :(

Okay found it but it cost $29 with Gaypal's SHIT exchange rate. Fuckit, bought it anyhow. Those samples were god damn mindblowing.
Since you didn't predict I would panic-buy feel free to Paypal me the difference that it should've/would've cost were that the case. :loco:
Triarii were good units in the Roman Army, but once the Marius Gaius event occured in 107 BC, they pretty much disappeared to let place to the praetorians and legionnary cohorts and such.
unless they are in phalanx formation, then it's bye bye cavalry. Then you gotta use foot soldiers to attack the phalanx, then you flank them with your cavalry
AsModEe said:
unless they are in phalanx formation, then it's bye bye cavalry. Then you gotta use foot soldiers to attack the phalanx, then you flank them with your cavalry

As Napoleon once shouted angrily:

"How can a man go forward witht he cavalry without infantry support"

same shit, different era.