For fans of csi watch this and laugh

i find csi interesting. coming from a small town of about 200 people, its interesting to see how "big time" forensics works. I dont even think our village has a coroner actually hahaha
No offense Laura, but when the plot involves a weapons cache delivery truck being ambushed, an anti-tank weapon destroying a courthouse and the guy being cooked inside the tank he was hiding in (all in one episode), I have trouble seeing it as a crime drama and not a hokey action movie. :)
No offense Laura, but when the plot involves a weapons cache delivery truck being ambushed, an anti-tank weapon destroying a courthouse and the guy being cooked inside the tank he was hiding in (all in one episode), I have trouble seeing it as a crime drama and not a hokey action movie. :)
i didnt say it was any more believable than SVU. just a lot more entertaining.