(for Joe) Pictures of Transylvania/Romania

Correction...many of their WORST criminals are currently running (or ruining) the government. ;) But yeah, I know all about what you're referring to.

Yes you're perfectly right....Enter in the government (or in parlament) is like an award for criminals here. If you're honest you're out. Shitty country.
And if the government is like this, how can we pretend that foreigners or citizens have to be honest?
I would dream to live here in Italy, with the possibility of watching a beautiful park, clean cities, but I think I'll dead before this dream come true.
Fun tidbit: "The Fourth Kind" was filmed in Bulgaria, not Alaska. Man, what a shit movie it was. I knew it would be, but still wanted to give it a chance.


What the fuck :lol::lol:
I'm guessing some gypsies found a washing machine that someone had thrown out and they are dragging it either to their home or to sell it as scrap metal. Someone probably saw them as they were passing a Rolls Royce Phantom and took this interesting photo.
You have this bipolarity between beautiful and really fucked up places basically throughout all of Eastern Europe without much middle ground.