FOR mark irt: show at Pink E's

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM and JAG PANZER are among the bands confirmed for the Deep Freeze winter metal festival on Saturday, January 15, 2005 at Pink E's Black Den in Westminster, Colorado. Other groups scheduled to perform at the festival include SILENCER, CORRUPTION, ESOVAE, DEPTH CHARGE, EMPYREAN ECLIPSE and OF WINDS AND FAINT ECHOES.

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM are currently supporting their new DVD, "Live in Phoenix", released through the Magick imprint of Cleopatra Records, and will mark their first live appearance in Colorado in almost five years. JAG PANZER are currently supporting last month's critically acclaimed Century Media release, "Casting the Stones", and will play the festival for the first time to a hometown crowd. Also playing is SILENCER, who are currently finishing up recording their first full-length album at Valkyrie Studios and Flatline Audio with Dave Otero (SERBERUS, CEPHALIC CARNAGE).

The bill is rounded out by a number of strong regional bands creating the most diverse lineup to date.

Tickets for the 18-and-up festival be on sale soon through
What a night that would be............

I can't wait to see them on the East Coast again.....
We Miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ill: