Jag Panzer at the Sun 'n Steel fest


And your little dog, too!
Jul 21, 2002
New York City
Hey gang,

The Sun 'n Steel fest came and went with barely a wimper. The turnout was poor, but some of the performances were pretty good. I was only there on Saturday, and I made it to the venue two minutes before JP went on. Literally. I opened the door and heard, "Jag Panzer are coming up next." Talk about great timing. :)

The set was short, but the energy was high. Harry, of course, was amazing, and looked especially cool in his red JP t-shirt. I don't know what they did to Chris' sound, but something was... not quite right. :err: Originally, the band was told they'd have 25 minutes, so they did "Black," "Iron Eagle," "Tyranny," "License to Kill" and "Take to the Sky." Notice, if you will, no "Chain of Command" anywhere in site. :eek: But luckily, the stage hands told them they could go a little longer, so they ended up doing it after all. This is good, because I travelled a long way to see this show and them not doing "Chain of Command" could get them severely hurt. :loco:

Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera equipment along, so I didn't take any photos, but Zac and Earnie will be pleased to know that I did, indeed, get spanked by The Tyrant. :grin: I'll have to misbehave more often...

~Christina <-- still in Florida, soaking up some warmth and sunshine
Ive heard the turnout was pretty bad,but Iam really glad you made the journey to see Panzer..that is really cool.So Harry gave you the punishment huh? Was that another highlight of the journey for you?

Sounds like it was a good time for you and again I really admire you for making the journey to see Jag Panzer!!!
Don't tell Earnie you got corporal punishment...he might be a bit envious of Harry.

Glad you had a good time though!

I missed Panzerm dammit :erk:

anyways, here's a shot from day 1 I took around 4:30 or so when I got there.....BAD turnout

Well C~,
At least you made it to the show, were you able to at least enjoy some warmer weather?? I talked to Mark breifly on Mon. He didn't have a whole lot to say about the show, he did mention the poor turn out. This doesn't seem like it was promoted very well, which I guess if you are going to spend alot of money, to bring in this many bands, you just might want to promote the hell out of it!! Maybe that's just me, I don't know.

C~, are you able to sit yet?? :p
Zac said:
Ive heard the turnout was pretty bad,but Iam really glad you made the journey to see Panzer..that is really cool.So Harry gave you the punishment huh? Was that another highlight of the journey for you?

Sounds like it was a good time for you and again I really admire you for making the journey to see Jag Panzer!!!
Don't tell Earnie you got corporal punishment...he might be a bit envious of Harry.

Glad you had a good time though!


Yeah, the turnout was disappointing at best, not only because the place was so huge, but also because so many bands came all that way to play for just a handful of people. It was still nice seeing the guys and hooking up with a few friends. Besides, who the heck knows when Panzer will tour again... gotta catch 'em whenever I can, right? :)

PanzerRocks said:
Well C~,
At least you made it to the show, were you able to at least enjoy some warmer weather?? I talked to Mark breifly on Mon. He didn't have a whole lot to say about the show, he did mention the poor turn out. This doesn't seem like it was promoted very well, which I guess if you are going to spend alot of money, to bring in this many bands, you just might want to promote the hell out of it!! Maybe that's just me, I don't know.

C~, are you able to sit yet?? :p

The thing with the Koshick fests is that he gets the smaller, lesser known bands to purchase 20 two-day passes at $50 each, making it possible to rent the venue and pay Testament, Body Count, Panzer (although I'm sure not as much), Seven Witches, etc. I guess promotion is not in the budget.
:err: You know something's gotta be wrong when a fest in what's considered to be a death metal hotspot barely even draws the locals.

To quote Billy Milano: "And the crowd went mild."

Harry and I did discuss a possible publicity stunt that would involve me streaking at the Superbowl with "JagPanzer.com" written across my butt, so hey, maybe next year they'll be selling out the Garden. :grin:

~Christina <-- who needs to have a girlie t-shirt made up that just says, "Jag F**king Panzer"
Stardust2112 said:
Great shots, Steph!! What type of equipment are you using?

I'm a Nikon gal. I normally shoot film with my N90 and 8008, but i was using a D-100 for the fest (i got work to buy the camera for me).
I just got an email from a friend who attended the "fest"
Half of his mail was about how killer JP was,and he's a total fan now etc.
Which is great news! Considering the guys played a short set

He said people were calling it "None & Steel" due to the horrid turnout
Zac said:
I just got an email from a friend who attended the "fest"
Half of his mail was about how killer JP was,and he's a total fan now etc.
Which is great news! Considering the guys played a short set

He said people were calling it "None & Steel" due to the horrid turnout

Great news about the new convert, Z!! :) Now just imagine how many more people would have seen the light this weekend if there were.... just more people at the fest. Grrrrrrr! "None n' Steel" is a great term to use. It's such a shame that attendance was so poor. J. F**king Panzer deserve to be in front of a much larger crowd. Believe me, if I had the money, I'd host a fest in NYC and JFP would be the first band I'd invite.
