For MyHatredForYouRunsDeep, My Axis Story


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I went to the music store of which I heard they distributed Axis pedals. The guy at the store told me they didn´t have it physically, but it´s possible to order the pedals they had in some larger store. Then he told me the price and I was fucking stoked. It was twice as my month salary, no shit. My DW 5005 two-chains pedal cost only half of it. The guy was rather arrogant, I could read in his eyes something like "you´re an asshole at the first sight, why douches like you should have those pedals", he told me something smartass, like that even though there is a world record in speed played on this pedal, the 80 percent of it is in your feet and not in the pedal you play. I told him I´d been playing for like 11 years and I have that DW shit, which mellowed him out a bit and told me that I shouldn´t have any problems since there is no big difference between DW and Axis. But the price does fucking suck. I have to find someone here who already owns it and try it out at last.
Dude, that guy must be jet lagged as fuck because it sounds like you dealt with the same dick smoke that works at the store I go to. There is this jazz fusion pole smoker that works at the drum store that I frequent. Mind you, I have spent at least 9 grand at this store and he still treats me like I am just a begining drummer and I don't know what I am talking about. That is until I had to set him straight because we got into a heated argument almost to the point that I thought we were going to start throwing down on each other. I have been playing for 12 years like you, and I actually had to show this assmunch how good I am(not trying to sound cocky) but thats what it came down too. That sucks though that you weren't able to try them out. If I was you though, I wouldn't really worry about it if you have DW then you have a quality double bass pedal regardless...By the way what the is the deal with asshole drummers in these stores???? That guy should be kissing my ass instead of giving me shit for spending all of my hard earned money there. I just wish we had more stores by me. I only have 2 in my area. The other store is WAY overpriced so I am always having to go to that one.....It's not easy to be a drummer in Lansing,, there a million guitar stores but only 1 actual drum place and a pseudo guitar/drum store.

On a completely unrelated note. I have a question for you. I bought some Absinth from the Czech and everyone says its a mild hallucingen(spelled wrong but you know what I mean) but it didn't do anything other make me drunk and tasted foul as hell, like a really cheap nasty Jager. Do you know what gives? OR have any suggestions for a good one that does work? I think the name of it was Sebor, not sure though
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Dude, that guy must be jet lagged as fuck because it sounds like you dealt with the same dick smoke that works at the store I go to. There is this jazz fusion pole smoker that works at the drum store that I frequent. Mind you, I have spent at least 9 grand at this store and he still treats me like I am just a begining drummer and I don't know what I am talking about. That is until I had to set him straight because we got into a heated argument almost to the point that I thought we were going to start throwing down on each other. I have been playing for 12 years like you, and I actually had to show this assmunch how good I am(not trying to sound cocky) but thats what it came down too. That sucks though that you weren't able to try them out. If I was you though, I wouldn't really worry about it if you have DW then you have a quality double bass pedal regardless...By the way what the is the deal with asshole drummers in these stores???? That guy should be kissing my ass instead of giving me shit for spending all of my hard earned money there. I just wish we had more stores by me. I only have 2 in my area. The other store is WAY overpriced so I am always having to go to that one.....It's not easy to be a drummer in Lansing,, there a million guitar stores but only 1 actual drum place and a pseudo guitar/drum store.
Yeah, this is exactly what I think. It´s strange to see there is no difference between the stores jerkoffs in US and in here. I just wanted to put my hands (or feet ) on this fucking thing coz everyone says it´s pretty cool. Probably they guys have some issues coz their luckier colleagues actually play shows while they sit behind the counter in the fucking store.

On a completely unrelated note. I have a question for you. I bought some Absinth from the Czech and everyone says its a mild hallucingen(spelled wrong but you know what I mean) but it didn't do anything other make me drunk and tasted foul as hell, like a really cheap nasty Jager. Do you know what gives? OR have any suggestions for a good one that does work? I think the name of it was Sebor, not sure though
Well I don´t have that much experience with this shit, I´ve drunk it a few times (not much) and didn´t have any altered states either, but I actually have seen a few people whose behaviour did change (not in the usual way, I mean) after drinking some amount of it. Maybe it depends on the amount.
It´s interesting cos there are two countries where absinth isn´t banned actually! One of them is Czech Republic. But if you want to try really killer liquor that is produced here, you have to try the shit we make from distilled plums!