For Ruin - Press Release


Spiritual Healer
Dec 11, 2001
Press Release - January 2006

Since the release of the first ‘Split’ demo release in 2004, For Ruin has been the product of a single mind. The second demo/promo ‘Shade’ was released in summer 2005 to widespread international critical acclaim and has served to introduce many people to the band’s music. Not content with mere ‘project’ status, founder John Murphy searched for a number of talented, capable musicians to bring For Ruin to the stage and has enlisted the talents of three new members to form a four-piece.


Ollie O´Shea, John Murphy, Ian O’ Donnabháin, Steve O’ Connell
January, 2006

Murphy has been joined on drums by Steve O’ Connell (ex-Witchhammer) who is without a doubt one of the most capable young drummers in the Irish scene at the moment and by Ian O’ Donnabháin (ex-Mabus) on bass, having great experience in the gigging scene around the country. Completing the line-up is guitarist Ollie O’ Shea (Dominus) whose recordings are known to many; he combines with Murphy to reproduce the strong harmonies and melodies that For Ruin are now known for.

The new-formed unit are currently rehearsing for a number of upcoming gigs, which are now confirmed –

Vodoo Lounge, Dublin – Thursday, February 2nd, 2006 (with Mael Mordha)
An Cruiscin Lan, Cork – Friday, February 3rd, 2006 (with Mael Mordha)
Dolans, Limerick – Saturday, February 4th, 2006 (with Mael Mordha)
Richardsons, Galway – Sunday, February 5th, 2006 (with Mael Mordha)

More shows are to be added in the near future.

New material is also written and demoed and is currently being rehearsed by the band – samples of two tracks ‘Treading’ and ‘Into Red’ are available on the website with other songs ‘Jaded’ and ‘December’ also completed and being readied for the live environment.

Band Bio & Info:

For Ruin is a metal band based in Cork, Southern Ireland with John Murphy as the sole architect until recently. The band has existed for quite a time, with tracks being written as far back as 1998 – however the first demo had to wait until late 2003 to be recorded. The first split-demo (with Meiche) was released in limited quantities by Murphy during late 2003 / early 2004. The Shade promo was written, performed and recorded in Valencia, Spain, during the summer of 2005. Murphy returned to Ireland in September ´05.

In November 2005, Murphy was joined by three talented and capable musicians who are committed to the development of the band – Ollie O’ Shea, Ian O’ Donnabháin and Steve O’ Connell on guitar, bass and drums respectively. The band are currently preparing for a number of upcoming gigs.

For Ruin’s recordings thus far have been reviewed internationally (e.g., England, Russia, Greece, USA, Netherlands, Scotland, Canada, Germany, Argentina, Denmark and more) to critical acclaim in both print and electronic media. Recent interviews with the band may be found in the Media section of, with a number of additional interviews planned for the near future.

The Shade promo has also been sent to a number of radio stations within Ireland and internationally, for example - Metal Heart Radio (Greece), Devil’s Music (Poland), Radio na Life (Ireland), Freak FM, (Ireland) and (Ireland) where it is receiving regular airplay and has resulted in many people contacting the band, requesting the promo. The internet and paper reviews of the promo have resulted in a great many people contacting the band requesting further information and purchasing the CD. Between sales and promotional copies, some 400 copies of Shade are now in circulation in Ireland, with many more in the hands of fans and critics internationally, with demand for live shows increasing constantly.

Critical Acclaim: “as always, the best things come from the unexpected. For Ruin is definitely a promising band, one we should keep an eye on in the near future.” “For Ruin will be more than ready for the masses very soon, trust me on this one”.” the progression so far has been remarkable - the new material that is being prepared will most likely have a good chance of capturing some interest.”

Adrenalin Fanzine: “This is a powerful stunning eye opening release, and I can only imagine positive results for For Ruin”. “Whatever the category, this intoxicating stuff will win international repute, and deservedly so”.

Alan “Nemtheanga” Averill (Primordial): “I was impressed with the demo: best Irish thing I’ve heard in ages…the fluidity of the guitar playing and the dynamics of the songs were great. Best thing I’ve heard from Ireland in ages... and nice to hear some black metal not trying to ape Scandinavian metal.”

Metalworks Magazine:”…a knack for combining furious riffing with gripping melodies, interspersed with sumptuous leads. As such, ‘Shade’ comes highly recommended”. “Some of these songs are downright classy…the songs are memorable and if John keeps pushing this band in the same way he has been the last year or so, For Ruin could be a fairly big name in the melodic death scene”.
Vampire Magazine:” With "Shade" For Ruin definitely has grown a lot since the ‘Split’ and I now know for sure this band will grow out to something very good. But 'till then I'll listen to "Shade" some more as it's a damn fine demo!”” SHADE is a very promising demo CD that has already garnered a bunch of glowing reviews; I am merely adding my voice. For Ruin is certainly a band to watch out for in the coming years.

Stay tuned for more news soon!
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